Toolkit runs silently

When I call Deploy-Application.exe -DeploymentType "Install" -DeployMode "Interactive", the script runs silently ignoring any of the GUI prompts. Is there a switch somewhere that forces it to deploy silently? Been combing over the xml file and can’t spot anything

Session 0 is not detected it. Running as admin from my own account

Your post is confusing. Do you want to run Silently or interactively?

In regards to:

Session 0 is not detected it. Running as admin from my own account

This is expected. Session 0 only happens when PSADT runs as SYSTEM.

I am going over the Template as well and the same is happening to me.
So what’s happening is when I am running Main.ps1 as Admin it shows:
Session 0 not detected
Installation is running in [silent] mode

In previous version we were able to run Main.ps1 and test our package before uploading to config mgr. In 3.10.0 we need to make that change so we can run the package as admin on our box, test the package.

UPDATE: issue being fixed next release

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Yup, my PROD or Dev box doesn’t have this key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender Security Center
I just set Start = 4 and it’s rebooting.
Upon rebooting, it still shows the same thing: