CloseApps being ignored

I have noticed version 3.6.2 that close apps is being ignored. As far as I can tell the script does detect the application being open. Copy of log and code is below.

[string]$installPhase = 'Pre-Installation'

## Show Welcome Message, close Excel with countdown, block excel execution during install
Show-InstallationWelcome -CloseApps 'EXCEL' -CloseAppsCountdown 600 -BlockExecution -PersistPrompt

## Show Progress Message
Show-InstallationProgress -StatusMessage 'EssBase Installation in Progress.'
[Initialization] :: *******************************************************************************	PSAppDeployToolkit	4/23/2015 2:41:10 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Initialization] :: *******************************************************************************	PSAppDeployToolkit	4/23/2015 2:41:10 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Initialization] :: [Oracle_ESSBASE_11.1.2.2_x86_EN_02] setup started.	PSAppDeployToolkit	4/23/2015 2:41:10 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Initialization] :: Script [C:\Users\accountname\Desktop\ESSBASE\AppDeployToolkit\AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1] dot-source invoked by [C:\Users\accountname\Desktop\ESSBASE\Deploy-Application.ps1]	PSAppDeployToolkit	4/23/2015 2:41:10 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Initialization] :: Script [C:\Users\accountname\Desktop\ESSBASE\AppDeployToolkit\AppDeployToolkitExtensions.ps1] dot-source invoked by [C:\Users\accountname\Desktop\ESSBASE\AppDeployToolkit\AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1]	PSAppDeployToolkitExt	4/23/2015 2:41:10 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Initialization] :: [Oracle_ESSBASE_11.1.2.2_x86_EN_02] script version is [2.0.0]	PSAppDeployToolkit	4/23/2015 2:41:10 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Initialization] :: [Deploy Application] script version is [3.6.1]	PSAppDeployToolkit	4/23/2015 2:41:10 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Initialization] :: [App Deploy Toolkit Main] script version is [3.6.2]	PSAppDeployToolkit	4/23/2015 2:41:10 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Initialization] :: [App Deploy Toolkit Extensions] version is [1.5.0]	PSAppDeployToolkit	4/23/2015 2:41:10 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Initialization] :: Computer Name is []	PSAppDeployToolkit	4/23/2015 2:41:10 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Initialization] :: Current User is [accountname]	PSAppDeployToolkit	4/23/2015 2:41:10 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Initialization] :: OS Version is [Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise Service Pack 1 64-bit 6.1.7601.65536]	PSAppDeployToolkit	4/23/2015 2:41:10 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Initialization] :: OS Type is [Workstation]	PSAppDeployToolkit	4/23/2015 2:41:10 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Initialization] :: Current Culture is [en-US] and UI language is [EN]	PSAppDeployToolkit	4/23/2015 2:41:10 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Initialization] :: Hardware Platform is [Virtual:Hyper-V]	PSAppDeployToolkit	4/23/2015 2:41:10 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Initialization] :: PowerShell Host is [ConsoleHost] with version [2.0]	PSAppDeployToolkit	4/23/2015 2:41:10 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Initialization] :: PowerShell Version is [2.0 x64]	PSAppDeployToolkit	4/23/2015 2:41:10 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Initialization] :: PowerShell CLR (.NET) version is [2.0.50727.5485]	PSAppDeployToolkit	4/23/2015 2:41:10 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Initialization] :: *******************************************************************************	PSAppDeployToolkit	4/23/2015 2:41:10 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Initialization] :: Display session information for all logged on users: 

NTAccount          : accountname
SID                : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
UserName           : accountname
DomainName         : xxx
SessionId          : 2
SessionName        : RDP-Tcp#0
ConnectState       : Active
IsCurrentSession   : True
IsConsoleSession   : False
IsUserSession      : True
IsLocalAdmin       : True
LogonTime          : 4/23/2015 12:48:07 PM
IdleTime           : 00:00:00.3206450
DisconnectTime     : 4/23/2015 2:00:41 PM
ClientName         : xxx
ClientProtocolType : RDP
ClientDirectory    : C:\Windows\System32\mstscax.dll
ClientBuildNumber  : 9600

	PSAppDeployToolkit	4/23/2015 2:41:11 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Initialization] :: The following users are logged on to the system: accountname	PSAppDeployToolkit	4/23/2015 2:41:11 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Initialization] :: Current process is running under a user account [accountname]	PSAppDeployToolkit	4/23/2015 2:41:11 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Initialization] :: There is no console user logged in (user with control of physical monitor, keyboard, and mouse).	PSAppDeployToolkit	4/23/2015 2:41:11 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Initialization] :: The active logged on user is [accountname]	PSAppDeployToolkit	4/23/2015 2:41:11 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Initialization] :: The active logged on user [accountname] has a primary UI language of [EN].	PSAppDeployToolkit	4/23/2015 2:41:11 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Initialization] :: The active logged on user [accountname] has a DPI scale factor of [100] with DPI pixels [96].	PSAppDeployToolkit	4/23/2015 2:41:11 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Initialization] :: The process is running in a terminal server session: [True].	PSAppDeployToolkit	4/23/2015 2:41:11 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Initialization] :: Unable to load COM Object [Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment]. Therefore, script is not currently running from a SCCM Task Sequence.	PSAppDeployToolkit	4/23/2015 2:41:11 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Initialization] :: Skipping attempt to check for and make the task scheduler services healthy because the App Deployment Toolkit is not running under the [NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM] account.	PSAppDeployToolkit	4/23/2015 2:41:11 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Initialization] :: Session 0 not detected.	PSAppDeployToolkit	4/23/2015 2:41:11 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Initialization] :: Installation is running in [Interactive] mode.	PSAppDeployToolkit	4/23/2015 2:41:11 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Initialization] :: Deployment type is [Installation]	PSAppDeployToolkit	4/23/2015 2:41:11 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Pre-Installation] :: Check for running application(s) [EXCEL]...	Get-RunningProcesses	4/23/2015 2:41:11 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Pre-Installation] :: The following processes are running: [EXCEL]	Get-RunningProcesses	4/23/2015 2:41:11 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Pre-Installation] :: Resolve process descriptions...	Get-RunningProcesses	4/23/2015 2:41:11 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Pre-Installation] :: Finished checking running application(s).	Get-RunningProcesses	4/23/2015 2:41:11 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Pre-Installation] :: [-BlockExecution] parameter specified.	Show-InstallationWelcome	4/23/2015 2:41:11 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Pre-Installation] :: Create scheduled task to cleanup blocked applications in case installation is interrupted.	Block-AppExecution	4/23/2015 2:41:11 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Pre-Installation] :: Retrieve Scheduled Tasks	Get-ScheduledTask	4/23/2015 2:41:11 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Pre-Installation] :: [C:\windows\System32\schtasks.exe] is a valid fully qualified path, continue.	Execute-Process	4/23/2015 2:41:13 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Pre-Installation] :: Working Directory is [C:\windows\System32]	Execute-Process	4/23/2015 2:41:13 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Pre-Installation] :: Executing [C:\windows\System32\schtasks.exe /create /f /tn Oracle_ESSBASE_11.1.2.2_x86_EN_02_BlockedApps /xml "C:\Users\Public\PSAppDeployToolkit\SchTaskUnBlockApps.xml"]...	Execute-Process	4/23/2015 2:41:13 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Pre-Installation] :: Execution completed with exit code [0]	Execute-Process	4/23/2015 2:41:13 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Pre-Installation] :: Set the Image File Execution Option registry key to block execution of [EXCEL.exe].	Block-AppExecution	4/23/2015 2:41:13 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Pre-Installation] :: Return fully qualified registry key path [Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\EXCEL.exe]	Convert-RegistryPath	4/23/2015 2:41:13 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Pre-Installation] :: Set registry key value: [Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\EXCEL.exe] [Debugger = wscript.exe "C:\Users\Public\PSAppDeployToolkit\AppDeployToolkit_BlockAppExecutionMessage.vbs"]	Set-RegistryKey	4/23/2015 2:41:13 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Pre-Installation] :: Display balloon tip notification with message [Installation started.]	Show-BalloonTip	4/23/2015 2:41:13 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Pre-Installation] :: Spin up progress dialog in a separate thread with message: [EssBase Installation in Progress.]	Show-InstallationProgress	4/23/2015 2:41:14 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Pre-Installation] :: [EssBaseRegDel.exe] successfully resolved to fully qualified path [C:\Users\accountname\Desktop\ESSBASE\Files\EssbaseRegDel.exe].	Execute-Process	4/23/2015 2:41:15 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Pre-Installation] :: Working Directory is [C:\Users\accountname\Desktop\ESSBASE\Files]	Execute-Process	4/23/2015 2:41:15 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Pre-Installation] :: Executing [C:\Users\accountname\Desktop\ESSBASE\Files\EssbaseRegDel.exe]...	Execute-Process	4/23/2015 2:41:15 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Pre-Installation] :: Execution completed with exit code [0]	Execute-Process	4/23/2015 2:41:16 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Pre-Installation] :: Path environment variable target: [Machine]	Remove-EnvirVariablePathValue	4/23/2015 2:41:17 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Pre-Installation] :: The folder [C:\HYPERION\ESSBASE\BIN] is not specified in the Path list.	Remove-EnvirVariablePathValue	4/23/2015 2:41:17 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Pre-Installation] :: No changes to the Path environment variable are necessary.	Remove-EnvirVariablePathValue	4/23/2015 2:41:17 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Installation] :: Get properties from MSI file [C:\Users\accountname\Desktop\ESSBASE\Files\ISScript10.Msi] in table [Property]	Get-MsiTableProperty	4/23/2015 2:41:17 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Installation] :: Get information for installed Product Code [{790EC520-CCCC-4810-A0FE-061633204CE4}]...	Get-InstalledApplication	4/23/2015 2:41:17 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Installation] :: Executing MSI action [Install]...	Execute-MSI	4/23/2015 2:41:18 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Installation] :: [msiexec.exe] successfully resolved to fully qualified path [C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe].	Execute-Process	4/23/2015 2:41:18 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Installation] :: Check to see if mutex [Global\_MSIExecute] is available. Wait up to [10 minute(s)] for the mutex to become available.	Test-IsMutexAvailable	4/23/2015 2:41:18 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Installation] :: Mutex [Global\_MSIExecute] is available for an exclusive lock.	Test-IsMutexAvailable	4/23/2015 2:41:18 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Installation] :: Working Directory is [C:\Users\accountname\Desktop\ESSBASE\Files]	Execute-Process	4/23/2015 2:41:19 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Installation] :: Executing [C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe /i "C:\Users\accountname\Desktop\ESSBASE\Files\ISScript10.Msi" /QN REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRES /L*v "C:\Temp\SCCMInstalled\ISScript10_Install.log"]...	Execute-Process	4/23/2015 2:41:19 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Installation] :: Execution completed successfully with exit code [0]	Execute-Process	4/23/2015 2:41:20 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Installation] :: Get properties from MSI file [C:\Users\accountname\Desktop\ESSBASE\Files\OracleEssbaseSpreadsheetAddin.msi] in table [Property]	Get-MsiTableProperty	4/23/2015 2:41:20 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Installation] :: Get information for installed Product Code [{FCF14701-7CD0-485E-A8D2-2B39B430B271}]...	Get-InstalledApplication	4/23/2015 2:41:20 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Installation] :: Found installed application [Oracle(R) Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in, Fusion Edition] version [] matching product code [{FCF14701-7CD0-485E-A8D2-2B39B430B271}]	Get-InstalledApplication	4/23/2015 2:41:21 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Installation] :: The MSI is already installed on this system. Skipping action [Install]...	Execute-MSI	4/23/2015 2:41:21 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Post-Installation] :: Get the User Profile Path, User Account SID, and the User Account Name for all users that log onto the machine.	Get-UserProfiles	4/23/2015 2:41:21 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Post-Installation] :: Convert the SID [x] to an NT Account name.	ConvertTo-NTAccountOrSID	4/23/2015 2:41:21 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Post-Installation] :: Convert the SID [x] to an NT Account name.	ConvertTo-NTAccountOrSID	4/23/2015 2:41:21 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Post-Installation] :: Convert the SID [x] to an NT Account name.	ConvertTo-NTAccountOrSID	4/23/2015 2:41:21 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Post-Installation] :: Convert the SID [x] to an NT Account name.	ConvertTo-NTAccountOrSID	4/23/2015 2:41:21 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Post-Installation] :: Convert the SID [x] to an NT Account name.	ConvertTo-NTAccountOrSID	4/23/2015 2:41:21 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Post-Installation] :: Convert the SID [x] to an NT Account name.	ConvertTo-NTAccountOrSID	4/23/2015 2:41:22 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Post-Installation] :: The User [accountname] registry hive is already loaded in path [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1417001333-790525478-839522115-284825]	Invoke-HKCURegistrySettingsForAllUsers	4/23/2015 2:41:22 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Post-Installation] :: Execute ScriptBlock to modify HKCU registry settings for all users.	Invoke-HKCURegistrySettingsForAllUsers	4/23/2015 2:41:22 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Post-Installation] :: Return fully qualified registry key path [Registry::HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1417001333-790525478-839522115-284825\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Excel\Options]	Convert-RegistryPath	4/23/2015 2:41:22 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Post-Installation] :: Set registry key value: [Registry::HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1417001333-790525478-839522115-284825\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Excel\Options] [OPEN = /R "C:\Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\products\ExcelAddin\bin\essexcln.xll"]	Set-RegistryKey	4/23/2015 2:41:22 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Post-Installation] :: Return fully qualified registry key path [Registry::HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1417001333-790525478-839522115-284825\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Excel\Options]	Convert-RegistryPath	4/23/2015 2:41:22 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Post-Installation] :: Set registry key value: [Registry::HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1417001333-790525478-839522115-284825\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Excel\Options] [OPEN1 = "C:\Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\products\ExcelAddin\bin\essxleqd.xla"]	Set-RegistryKey	4/23/2015 2:41:22 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Post-Installation] :: Load the User [xxx\ADM_accountname] registry hive in path [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1417001333-790525478-839522115-845123]	Invoke-HKCURegistrySettingsForAllUsers	4/23/2015 2:41:22 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Post-Installation] :: Execute ScriptBlock to modify HKCU registry settings for all users.	Invoke-HKCURegistrySettingsForAllUsers	4/23/2015 2:41:22 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Post-Installation] :: Return fully qualified registry key path [Registry::HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1417001333-790525478-839522115-845123\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Excel\Options]	Convert-RegistryPath	4/23/2015 2:41:22 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Post-Installation] :: Set registry key value: [Registry::HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1417001333-790525478-839522115-845123\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Excel\Options] [OPEN = /R "C:\Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\products\ExcelAddin\bin\essexcln.xll"]	Set-RegistryKey	4/23/2015 2:41:22 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Post-Installation] :: Return fully qualified registry key path [Registry::HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1417001333-790525478-839522115-845123\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Excel\Options]	Convert-RegistryPath	4/23/2015 2:41:22 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Post-Installation] :: Set registry key value: [Registry::HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1417001333-790525478-839522115-845123\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Excel\Options] [OPEN1 = "C:\Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\products\ExcelAddin\bin\essxleqd.xla"]	Set-RegistryKey	4/23/2015 2:41:22 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Post-Installation] :: Unload the User [xxx\ADM_accountname] registry hive in path [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1417001333-790525478-839522115-845123]	Invoke-HKCURegistrySettingsForAllUsers	4/23/2015 2:41:22 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Post-Installation] :: The User [USSPCSM04-18V\xxxadmin] registry hive is already loaded in path [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-3739408664-2786431729-2817845981-500]	Invoke-HKCURegistrySettingsForAllUsers	4/23/2015 2:41:22 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Post-Installation] :: Execute ScriptBlock to modify HKCU registry settings for all users.	Invoke-HKCURegistrySettingsForAllUsers	4/23/2015 2:41:22 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Post-Installation] :: Return fully qualified registry key path [Registry::HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-3739408664-2786431729-2817845981-500\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Excel\Options]	Convert-RegistryPath	4/23/2015 2:41:22 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Post-Installation] :: Update registry key value: [Registry::HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-3739408664-2786431729-2817845981-500\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Excel\Options] [OPEN = /R "C:\Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\products\ExcelAddin\bin\essexcln.xll"]	Set-RegistryKey	4/23/2015 2:41:22 PM	3396 (0x0D44)
[Post-Installation] :: Return fully qualified registry key path [Registry::HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-3739408664-2786431729-2817845981-500\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Excel\Optio

I should learn to use the search feature. Will be testing the 3.6.3 beta.


Yup, you’re correct. This is a bug with the current release that I have already implemented a fix for in the latest 3.6.3 beta on GitHub:

This is the relevant item from the 3.6.3 changelog that addresses this issue:
Fixed issue with Get-RunningProcesses on Windows 7 where the custom object did not return ProcessDescription property unless -PassThru option was used

Check out the issues list on GitHub to see what the latest reported issues are and which one have been resolved already in the latest beta as they will be tagged with “resolved”. Just as a note, some people are reporting that the latest beta is not detecting logged in users on Win 7 x64, so use with caution at the moment as I am still investigating this issue.

3.6.3 beta resolved the issue.

Is there a recommended stable version to roll back to until a fix is released?

I would say just copy the Get-RunningProcesses function from the beta to the current version of the toolkit you are using as that will resolve your issue.

Thank you appreciate it.