ShowInstallationWelcome -CloseApps - CloseAppCountdown ignored

Hi there,
I have a few packages where I use the -CloseappCountdown and for some new packages this won’t work anymore…

Here’s my Setup:

Powershell =
[string]$installPhase = ‘Pre-Installation’
Show-InstallationWelcome -CloseApps ‘exefile1,exefile2’ -CloseAppsCountdown 600

Logfile =
[Pre-Installation] :: Check for running application(s) [exefile1,exefile2]…
[Pre-Installation] :: The following processes are running: [exefile1,exefile2].
[Pre-Installation] :: Resolve process descriptions…
[Pre-Installation] :: Finished checking running application(s).
[Pre-Installation] :: Force close application(s) [exefile1,exefile2] without prompting user.

Application in SCCM2012R2 =
User notification set to “Display in Software Center and Show all notifications”
Deployment Type User Experience set to:
Install behavior: Install for System
Logon requirement: Whether or not a user ins logged on
Installtion program visibility: Normal

Or will it only with with “Only when a user is logged on” ?
Why does the script simply kill the proccesses instead of asking the user to Close the apps with a Countdown of 600 seconds?

I am using Script 3.6.8

Thank you.
Regards, Manuel

Hi manuel,

If you haven’t already (you didn’t specify), you need to check the box “Allow users to view and interact with the program installation” on the deployment type in SCCM. Otherwise no PSADT dialogs will be shown for the logged on user. You can still use “Whether or not a user is logged on”…

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