
I have been using the new version and noticed that the installation windows are behaving differently. I want to deploy a required application with MEMCM to a collection without users seeing any windows. I only want to have user interaction if the application I am updating is running or in use, so in other words if a user isn’t using the application I don’t want any windows from the toolkit to acknowledge them that an update is happening, unless they were already using the application or have it running. I have made a few changes to using the toolkit with the new version which I didn’t have to do with older versions, so I am sure its just another setting that I have to change.

DeployModes are described at the top of the deploy-application.ps1. Those modes affect the visibility of UI.

I have tried all three, Silent, Interactive, and NonInteractive. All three don’t give me the behavior I am looking for. I only want the user to interact with the toolkit, if the application I am updating is running. I do not want the user to see the UI and the progress of the installation if the application is not running. I would rather them not know they are receiving an update unless they were using the application already.

For your specific case, you could run it as NonIteractive and then inside Deploy-Application.ps1 you check whether an app is running through Get-Process and if it is, set these

$deployMode = 'Interactive'; $deployModeNonInteractive = $false; $deployModeSilent = $false
Write-Log -Message "Changing deployment mode to [Interactive]."

Code running after these variables set will behave as if in Interactive mode, showing you the UI.

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