Editing Deploy-Application.ps1 while deployment is in progress on MECM


Are there any implications when if I edit Deploy-Application.ps1 while deployment is in progress on several collections? I have a citrix update deployment that I am doing that has a deadline on October 14, 2022.

Now I need to move the deadline to October 31, 2022.

If i edit the powershell script while there is an active deployment, will there be any issues or this should be okay?

Will it update the deadline date on the machines that have deferred it several times provided I update the content so it redistributes it to all DPs?


This is actually a MECM question, BTW.
You will run into the same issues and challenges with MECM that don’t have PSADT involved.
You could post your question at https://www.reddit.com/r/SCCM but there are probably better places to ask your question.

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Agree with T-A-G that this isn’t the best place to ask, but…

I have often edited PSADT scripts while their deployments are active. Afterwards, I just manually update the Deployment Type (usually not necessary, but well…I do it anyway), then I delete prior Revisions. When updating Deployment Types, the interface will even tell you that clients may update afterwards.

Any clients that haven’t yet received the deployment will get the new one. Clients that have received the deployment will process your Detection Method(s) and react accordingly. Sometimes, I’ve needed to add a secondary DM so that clients that have already run the deployment will run it again. I usually just throw a text file in the install dir as a secondary DM.


Noted guys. Thanks for the suggestion.

Thanks bahnjee for the tip!

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