Bug with Zero-Config MSI


I tried to do A Zero-Config MSI deployment

I’ve just put the MSI in the Files folder and Launched the deploy-application.exe

It runs trhough the script but does not launch the MSI installation, I don’t see any zero-config deployment triggered.

Am I missing something ?

FYI : I checked the doc and nothing is metionned as of how to do this if I’m not mistaken

Best regards

I just did a test. I dropped an MSI into the Files folder and executed an unmodified Deploy-Application.ps1 file and the MSI installed.

What version of the toolkit are you using?



Then maybe it’s something specific to your MSI or system. I’m not sure. I am able to get the functionality to work just fine. If there is a problem, then I’ll need more details from you so that I can reproduce the problem.


Could you please update the documentation on how to use it ? (even if its just a mention)

Because nothing is specified in the admin guide.

Best regards

I will retry later on with another MSI

I have the same issue
And I can’t figured out why
It’s working with the command :
Execute-MSI -Action Install -Path ‘MyMSI’
but it’s not so sexy as automatic

My version is 3.6.8

I can confirm this is not working with 3.6.8 as well.
I downloaded the the latest version, placed the latest 7-Zip MSI in the Files folder. Executed .\Deploy-Application.exe from an admin powershell window and nothing happens. There were no logs created. Let me know if you want me to test anything else.

I test without changing these variables
## Variables: Application
[string]$appVendor = ‘’
[string]$appName = ‘’
[string]$appVersion = ‘’
[string]$appArch = ‘’
[string]$appLang = ‘EN’
[string]$appRevision = ‘01’
[string]$appScriptVersion = ‘1.0.0’
[string]$appScriptDate = ‘JJ/MM/2016’
[string]$appScriptAuthor = ‘My name’

And it did install the MSI

Posted in wrong place.

I didn’t think I even opened the Deploy-Application.ps1 file when I did my test last night but I must of added the $appName variable .
I found in AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1 that it only executes the zero config msi code if the $appName is not filled in. You can see it for yourself at line 10086.

If the default Deploy-Application.ps1 hasn’t been modified, check for MSI / MST and modify the install accordingly

If (-not $appName) {

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