Using PSADT with WIM and SCCM

What are the proper settings/configuration for using PSAPDTK with a WIM file and SCCM.

I am trying to achieve, that the package downloads to the device, and when the user logs in, the Welcome Screen appears to allow for install or deferral.

The package includes the WIM file, which includes the default folder structure for PSAPDTK and an external PowerShell script, WIM_Package.ps1. The external script mounts the WIM and then calls the internal script, Deploy-Application.ps1.

This is the current call from SCCM: (Which is to the external script)

powershell -executionpolicy bypass -file "WIM_Package.ps1"

Currently SCCM will push and install the package without ever displaying the Welcome Screen. I am aware of the Install Interactively switch but I am not sure where that would go, SCCM on the external script, within the call on the external script, or somewhere else? Or is it needed at all, is it a SCCM setting thing?

if anyone has experience with this, I would greatly appreciate any help.

Here is the key part from the external script: (WIM_Package.ps1)

# ------------------------- CHANGE THESE VARIABLES ----------------------------
$WIMFile = "$PSScriptRoot\WIM_Package.wim"
# mount the WIM here
$installScript = "$mountPath\Deploy-Application.ps1"
# ----------------------------- END OF CHANGES --------------------------------

Here is the key part from the internal script: (Deploy-Application.ps1)

Show-InstallationWelcome -CloseApps 'acad=Autodesk Civil 3D 2020,Connectivity.VaultPro=Autodesk Vault Professional Client 2020,StormSanitary=Autodesk Storm and Sanitary Analysis 2020' `
								 -BlockExecution `
								 -PromptToSave `
								 -PersistPrompt `
								 -CheckDiskSpace `
								 -RequiredDiskSpace 25000 `
								 -AllowDefer `
								 -DeferDeadline '03/21/2024 21:00:00' `
								 -CloseAppsCountdown 600

If you need anymore information, let me know and I will provide it.

You want to achieve this:

I am trying to achieve, that the package downloads to the device, and when the user logs in, the Welcome Screen appears to allow for install or deferral.

But it’s unclear if you are allowing the application to start installing without any user logged on. Are you using the SCCM setting β€œLogon requirement: Only when a user is logged on”? How do you start the PSADT script in WIM_Package.ps1, do you use some kind of condition when starting it?

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