Ultra newbie question - probably


I’ve just recently been hired to a IT-department of a mid-size organization.

I’ve been tasked with taking a look at some of our applications not being able to deployed on machines through the PSdeploytoolkit. Never worked with it, so it’s probably a pretty steep learning curve from here.

Anyway… here goes…

A former collegue has used a template of sorts to deploy applications through the PSdeploy toolkit.

Some of our users are using a application called “Staff”. The application could be deployed without any errors on our old image Win 1809 but now on Win 20H2 whenever this application is being deployed it just fails with “installation failed” in a popup message that looks like it’s a part of the PSdeploy toolkit script used.

Here is the Config manager trace log:

[Initialization] :: ******************************************************************************* PSAppDeployToolkit 24-11-2021 12:21:37 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Initialization] :: ******************************************************************************* PSAppDeployToolkit 24-11-2021 12:21:37 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Initialization] :: [Staff_EN_01] setup started. PSAppDeployToolkit 24-11-2021 12:21:37 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Initialization] :: Script [C:\Temp\Staff\AppDeployToolkit\AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1] dot-source invoked by [C:\Temp\Staff\Deploy-Application.ps1] PSAppDeployToolkit 24-11-2021 12:21:37 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Initialization] :: Script [C:\Temp\Staff\AppDeployToolkit\AppDeployToolkitExtensions.ps1] dot-source invoked by [C:\Temp\Staff\AppDeployToolkit\AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1] PSAppDeployToolkitExt 24-11-2021 12:21:37 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Initialization] :: [Staff_EN_01] script version is [1.0.0] PSAppDeployToolkit 24-11-2021 12:21:37 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Initialization] :: [Deploy Application] script version is [3.7.0] PSAppDeployToolkit 24-11-2021 12:21:37 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Initialization] :: [App Deploy Toolkit Main] script version is [3.7.0] PSAppDeployToolkit 24-11-2021 12:21:37 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Initialization] :: [App Deploy Toolkit Extensions] version is [1.5.0] PSAppDeployToolkit 24-11-2021 12:21:37 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Initialization] :: Computer Name is [BUTIK45580.intra.coop] PSAppDeployToolkit 24-11-2021 12:21:37 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Initialization] :: Current User is [BUTIK45580\Administrator] PSAppDeployToolkit 24-11-2021 12:21:37 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Initialization] :: OS Version is [Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit 10.0.19042.1348] PSAppDeployToolkit 24-11-2021 12:21:37 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Initialization] :: OS Type is [Workstation] PSAppDeployToolkit 24-11-2021 12:21:37 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Initialization] :: Current Culture is [da-DK], language is [DA] and UI language is [DA] PSAppDeployToolkit 24-11-2021 12:21:37 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Initialization] :: Hardware Platform is [Physical] PSAppDeployToolkit 24-11-2021 12:21:37 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Initialization] :: PowerShell Host is [ConsoleHost] with version [5.1.19041.1320] PSAppDeployToolkit 24-11-2021 12:21:37 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Initialization] :: PowerShell Version is [5.1.19041.1320 x64] PSAppDeployToolkit 24-11-2021 12:21:37 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Initialization] :: PowerShell CLR (.NET) version is [4.0.30319.42000] PSAppDeployToolkit 24-11-2021 12:21:37 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Initialization] :: ******************************************************************************* PSAppDeployToolkit 24-11-2021 12:21:37 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Initialization] :: Display session information for all logged on users:

NTAccount : BUTIK\uh0xb-07650
SID : S-1-5-21-2505532813-1053733444-137425124-225269
UserName : uh0xb-07650
DomainName : BUTIK
SessionId : 1
SessionName :
ConnectState : Disconnected
IsCurrentSession : False
IsConsoleSession : False
IsActiveUserSession : False
IsUserSession : True
IsRdpSession : False
IsLocalAdmin : False
LogonTime : 24-11-2021 11:20:29
IdleTime : 00:01:09.4538607
DisconnectTime : 24-11-2021 12:20:28
ClientName :
ClientProtocolType :
ClientDirectory :
ClientBuildNumber : 0

NTAccount : BUTIK45580\Administrator
SID : S-1-5-21-3203585562-189976885-3348247495-500
UserName : Administrator
DomainName : BUTIK45580
SessionId : 3
SessionName : Console
ConnectState : Active
IsCurrentSession : True
IsConsoleSession : True
IsActiveUserSession : True
IsUserSession : True
IsRdpSession : False
IsLocalAdmin : True
LogonTime : 24-11-2021 12:20:48
IdleTime : 00:00:00
DisconnectTime :
ClientName :
ClientProtocolType :
ClientDirectory :
ClientBuildNumber : 0

PSAppDeployToolkit	24-11-2021 12:21:38	2668 (0x0A6C)

[Initialization] :: The following users are logged on to the system: [BUTIK\uh0xb-07650, BUTIK45580\Administrator]. PSAppDeployToolkit 24-11-2021 12:21:38 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Initialization] :: Current process is running with user account [BUTIK45580\Administrator] under logged in user session for [BUTIK45580\Administrator]. PSAppDeployToolkit 24-11-2021 12:21:38 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Initialization] :: The following user is the console user [BUTIK45580\Administrator] (user with control of physical monitor, keyboard, and mouse). PSAppDeployToolkit 24-11-2021 12:21:38 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Initialization] :: The active logged on user is [BUTIK45580\Administrator]. PSAppDeployToolkit 24-11-2021 12:21:38 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Initialization] :: The active logged on user [BUTIK45580\Administrator] has a primary UI language of [DA]. PSAppDeployToolkit 24-11-2021 12:21:38 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Initialization] :: The following UI messages were imported from the config XML file: [UI_Messages_DA]. PSAppDeployToolkit 24-11-2021 12:21:38 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Initialization] :: The active logged on user [BUTIK45580\Administrator] has a DPI scale factor of [100] with DPI pixels [96]. PSAppDeployToolkit 24-11-2021 12:21:38 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Initialization] :: Unable to load COM Object [Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment]. Therefore, script is not currently running from a SCCM Task Sequence. PSAppDeployToolkit 24-11-2021 12:21:38 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Initialization] :: Skipping attempt to check for and make the task scheduler services healthy because the App Deployment Toolkit is not running under the [NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM] account. PSAppDeployToolkit 24-11-2021 12:21:38 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Initialization] :: Session 0 not detected. PSAppDeployToolkit 24-11-2021 12:21:38 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Initialization] :: Installation is running in [Interactive] mode. PSAppDeployToolkit 24-11-2021 12:21:38 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Initialization] :: Deployment type is [Installation]. PSAppDeployToolkit 24-11-2021 12:21:38 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Pre-Installation] :: Check if PowerPoint is in either fullscreen slideshow mode or presentation mode… Test-PowerPoint 24-11-2021 12:21:38 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Pre-Installation] :: PowerPoint application is not running. Test-PowerPoint 24-11-2021 12:21:38 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Pre-Installation] :: PowerPoint is running in fullscreen mode [False]. Test-PowerPoint 24-11-2021 12:21:38 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Pre-Installation] :: Display balloon tip notification with message [Staff installation i gang…
Installationen startede kl. 12:21.]. Show-BalloonTip 24-11-2021 12:21:38 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Installation] :: Read data from Windows Installer database file [C:\Temp\Staff\Files\StaffSetup.msi] in table [Property]. Get-MsiTableProperty 24-11-2021 12:21:38 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Installation] :: Get information for installed Product Code [{3639D96B-95AE-4E1E-BD4F-3001962F16F1}]… Get-InstalledApplication 24-11-2021 12:21:39 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Installation] :: Executing MSI action [Install]… Execute-MSI 24-11-2021 12:21:39 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Installation] :: [msiexec.exe] successfully resolved to fully qualified path [C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe]. Execute-Process 24-11-2021 12:21:39 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Installation] :: Check to see if mutex [Global_MSIExecute] is available. Wait up to [10 minute(s)] for the mutex to become available. Test-IsMutexAvailable 24-11-2021 12:21:39 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Installation] :: Mutex [Global_MSIExecute] is available for an exclusive lock. Test-IsMutexAvailable 24-11-2021 12:21:39 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Installation] :: Working Directory is [C:\Temp\Staff\Files]. Execute-Process 24-11-2021 12:21:40 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Installation] :: Executing [C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe /i “C:\Temp\Staff\Files\StaffSetup.msi” ALLUSERS=2 REBOOT=ReallySuppress /QN TARGETDIR=C:\ProgramData\Staff /L*v “C:\ProgramData\PSDeploy\Logs\MSI\Staff_Install.log”]… Execute-Process 24-11-2021 12:21:40 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Installation] :: Get message for exit code [1603]. Get-MsiExitCodeMessage 24-11-2021 12:21:41 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Installation] :: Execution failed with exit code [1603]. Execute-Process 24-11-2021 12:21:41 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Installation] :: Staff_EN_01 Installation completed with exit code [1603]. Exit-Script 24-11-2021 12:21:41 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Installation] :: Check if PowerPoint is in either fullscreen slideshow mode or presentation mode… Test-PowerPoint 24-11-2021 12:21:41 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Installation] :: PowerPoint application is not running. Test-PowerPoint 24-11-2021 12:21:41 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Installation] :: PowerPoint is running in fullscreen mode [False]. Test-PowerPoint 24-11-2021 12:21:41 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Installation] :: Display balloon tip notification asynchronously with message [Installation fejlet.]. Show-BalloonTip 24-11-2021 12:21:41 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Installation] :: [C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe] is a valid fully qualified path, continue. Execute-Process 24-11-2021 12:21:41 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Installation] :: Working Directory is [C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0]. Execute-Process 24-11-2021 12:21:41 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Installation] :: Executing [C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe [PowerShell ScriptBlock]]… Execute-Process 24-11-2021 12:21:41 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Installation] :: NoWait parameter specified. Continuing without waiting for exit code… Execute-Process 24-11-2021 12:21:41 2668 (0x0A6C)
[Installation] :: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Exit-Script 24-11-2021 12:21:41 2668 (0x0A6C)

Can someone please explain to me what is going on and perhaps how to resolve this problem?

Kind regards
Daniel R (Roeski)

This is an MSI issue. Go look at C:\ProgramData\PSDeploy\Logs\MSI\Staff_Install.log
for the cause of exit code [1603].

FYI: This log file is actually 2 log files.
the first one ends with:

24-11-2021 12:21:41 2668 (0x0A6C) [Installation] :: Execution failed with exit code [1603]. Execute-Process 
24-11-2021 12:21:41 2668 (0x0A6C) [Installation] :: Staff_EN_01 Installation completed with exit code [1603]. Exit-Script

The second is the second instance of PSADT to display the fancy popup.

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