Show-InstallationWelcome CloseApp / Countdown issue

I have been encountering some issues with the countdown timers, my objective is to display the welcome message with a timer to allow the user to defer the installations or continue the installation along with closing the running applications.

The problem I am encountering is that the count down reaches 0 and disappears but will flash for a split second and disappear again over and over until I kill the PowerShell process. Thus halting the deployment and eventually reporting back to SCCM as failed.

Show-InstallationWelcome -CloseApps ‘CPNClientTransfer,CPNClientUpgrade,CPNServiceEvent,cmd’ -AllowDefer -DeferTimes 3 -CheckDiskSpace -PersistPrompt -ForceCountdown 60

I have also attempted to change the switch to -ForceCloseAppsCountdown, however when the timer reaches 0, it does not auto continue if none of the processes are currently running but if the processes are running it will close the running apps and continue with the installation.

Show-InstallationWelcome -CloseApps ‘CPNClientTransfer,CPNClientUpgrade,CPNServiceEvent,cmd’ -AllowDefer -DeferTimes 3 -CheckDiskSpace -PersistPrompt -ForceCloseAppsCountdown 60

If I use both switches (-ForceCloseAppsCountdown 60 -ForceCountdown 60), it will do the same just stop at 0 and not continue if none of the processes are running.

Show-InstallationWelcome -CloseApps ‘CPNClientTransfer,CPNClientUpgrade,CPNServiceEvent,cmd’ -AllowDefer -DeferTimes 3 -CheckDiskSpace -PersistPrompt -ForceCloseAppsCountdown 60 -ForceCountdown 60

I need the Show-InstallationWelcome message to appear, prompt the user to defer or continue and close the running app’s before continuing with the installation or auto continue if no one is present or does not respond to the prompts. Those are my requirements for this software deployment.

Hey buddy,

Have you tried disabling DynamicRunningProcessEvaluation ? It is in XML.

Changed it’s value to False and try.

  • Peace.

I made the change suggested, however, that had no effect on the behavior/issue. Any other ideas?


using the latest toolkit…
If you use the following…

I would expect the beaviour to…
give users option to “defer” = installation stops until rerun
give users option to “continue” = check for process that needs to be closed and reask user to close if still open ( untill the 60 second timer kicks in )
give users option to “close apps” = closes apps you want closed, then start installation ( until the 60 second timer kicks in )

If user dosnt click anything = closes apps afer 60 seconds and the app should install.
If the above behaviour isnt working then i would do the following…

Ensure the install works without any closeapps etc first
then add your closeapps etc again…

if still not working as expected…
Re-download the toolkit files and try again.

An issue was created on Github for this:
This issue has been resolved.
Download the latest sources from Github:

Hi, I know is an old thread, but my issue is sort of similar. In my case, I want the ability to force close the apps with the countdown and the deferments. However, what I am not getting is the verbiage that says the apps need to be closed and the name of the apps. If I remove the options to defer, I see the verbiage telling them what apps need to be closed and timer counts down, and auto starts as expected. Can I get both, the deferment message as well as the message telling the users the apps need to close and also what apps, all while still showing the countdown then auto start when the time runs out? I am running the most current PSADT 3.8.4
This is my code:

	    Show-InstallationWelcome -CloseApps 'iexplore,AcroRd32,cidaemon,Chrome'  -ForceCloseAppsCountdown 60 -AllowDefer -DeferTimes 1

2022-11-17 13_52_02-Remote Desktop Manager Free US19APVT028

Try to break it up in to 2 lines:

Show-InstallationWelcome -CloseApps 'iexplore,AcroRd32,cidaemon,Chrome'  -ForceCloseAppsCountdown 60 
Show-InstallationWelcome -CloseApps 'iexplore,AcroRd32,cidaemon,Chrome'  -ForceCloseAppsCountdown 60 -AllowDefer -DeferTimes 1

If the apps are closed, the second line will just show the defer.

Hey, yeah, good catch, I just realized that. As you stated, if the apps are not running, then the message to close the apps does not appear, only the defer message, which makes sense. Except, if the app is running, there is no deferral message or option. I will try your suggestion and post feedback, Thanks

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Ok, so I tried your suggestion, now bueno. So I made a slight modification using this which gave some progress, but not all the way.

          #check for running process
         $ProcessActive = Get-Process Chrome -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            if ($null -ne $ProcessActive) {
            Show-InstallationWelcome -CloseApps 'Chrome'  -ForceCloseAppsCountdown 60
        Show-InstallationWelcome -CloseApps 'Chrome'  -ForceCloseAppsCountdown 60 -AllowDefer -DeferTimes 1

At least with that if the app is running I get the prompt to tell the user to close the app. And if not running, then it shows the deferment.
What I am missing, and not sure if that is possible, is to get the deferral AND the prompt to close the apps. I tried making an edit in the AppDeployToolkitConfig.xml, then adding -customtext to the command, but still no joy.

		**<ClosePrompt_CountdownMessage>**The following programs must be closed before the installation can proceed.
		Please save your work, close the programs. Google Chrome will be automatically close in:**</ClosePrompt_CountdownMessage>**

I am just trying to prepare for the scenario where the app may be open, which of course will cause the prompt to close the app will appear. However, even in that scenario, the user may not want the installation to take place then. I hope this is not confusing .

This is what I would like to achieve, but not having any luck. Notice how the options are there to defer as well as close the programs.
2022-11-22 12_19_59-How to PowerShell App Deploy Toolkit (PSADT) with Workspace ONE - Brooks Peppin'

Hi, this is an awesome app and I have used it for many deployments, thanks for that. My issue, or annoyance is the presence of the Close Programs button alongside the Install Now and Install Later buttons. Clicking the Install Now only creates a loop unless you click the close programs button. Is there a way to either remove the install now button, or configure the close programs button so it also launches the deployment? It does not make sense to have all three buttons there if the install now does not work.

If having Chrome running during the installation is NOT an issue, why are you asking users to close it in the first place?

If it’s not an issue, don’t use the -closeapps parameter.

Sorry, Chrome was just a sample, the application that MUST be closed is Outlook. For me, I don’t care if the buttons are there, it is my manager that is griping about it. He does not like that clicking the install now button only loops the window. So, he would like (if possible) for only the close programs and install later buttons to be there. I could understand his ask and logic, because if the install button does nothing, why have it there. I explained the dynamic check that occurs which will switch the windows if or when the app closes.

The install button DOES do something.

If the user close the app OUTSIDE of this PSADT popup, it checks if the app is indeed not running anymore.

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Hi There,
I am new to PSADT. Can you please share the whole toolkit with these options for me.


Thank you,


You are correct, once you put it into perspective, it made sense, thanks for the clarification.

I have been curious for this as well to have those snooze options available for the users to take advantage of.