Script Continues Before App Installs

Hi Guys,

I’m installing Autodesk Fusion which is only available using an exe installer.

The command is as follows but it’s not waiting until the program installs, which does take a good few minutes.

“Execute-Process -Path ‘C:\temp\Fusion Client Downloader.exe’ -Parameters ‘–globalinstall --quiet’ -Wait”

Is there anything else I can do?

I’m assuming you actually entered the following in your script:
Execute-Process -Path 'C:\temp\Fusion Client Downloader.exe' -Parameters '--globalinstall --quiet' -Wait

Fusion Client Downloader.exe is only a downloading tool, not the actual installer.
It downloads the real installer, launches it and exits while the real installer does it’s job.

You have 2 ways to deal with this:
1- Steal the real installer during installation and launch it with PSADT instead of Fusion Client Downloader.exe

2-Watch the progress of the installation after the Fusion Client Downloader.exe and wait until it’s done.

Thanks. I found the actual installer and this now works on W10 machines but not W11!

Not sure why it’s erroring that localhost can’t be found.

<![LOG[[Installation] :: Executing [C:\temp\Fusion360\streamer.exe --globalinstall --quiet]...]LOG]!><time="11:30:27.46260" date="06-12-2024" component="Execute-Process" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="11300" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">

**<![LOG[[Installation] :: Standard error output from the process: *** intdomain.internal can't find localhost: Non-existent domain**

]LOG]!><time="11:30:47.00960" date="06-12-2024" component="Execute-Process" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="3" thread="11300" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Installation] :: Execution failed with exit code [1].]LOG]!><time="11:30:47.02460" date="06-12-2024" component="Execute-Process" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="3" thread="11300" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Installation] :: Bypassing Close-InstallationProgress [Mode: NonInteractive]]LOG]!><time="11:30:47.04960" date="06-12-2024" component="Close-InstallationProgress" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="11300" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Installation] :: Autodesk_Fusion360_EN_01 Installation completed with exit code [1].]LOG]!><time="11:30:47.06160" date="06-12-2024" component="Exit-Script" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="11300" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">
<![LOG[[Installation] :: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------]LOG]!><time="11:30:47.06860" date="06-12-2024" component="Exit-Script" context="NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" type="1" thread="11300" file="Deploy-Application.ps1">

Maybe you get the installer on a win10 PC and Win11 needs a different installer.

If that doesn’t work, you’ll have to force the installer to create a log file for you.
This series of posts should help:


