<pre class=“brush: powershell; gutter: true; first-line: 1; highlight: []; html-script: false”>
#<Perform Uninstallation tasks here>
Uninstall application
Execute-MSI -Action 'Uninstall' -Path '{9CCB4BE4-3394-42F3-9DE8-3C611E4E7A71}'
Execute-MSI -Action 'Uninstall' -Path 'Mobility_xg_client_11.04_Win7_x64_release.msi'
I’m trying to run the uninstall through SCCM. Here is the section I have in my Uninstall section. I’m trying both methods of Execute-MSI. I also tried Remove-MSI
I get an error in the log of [Uninstallation] :: The MSI is not installed on this system. Skipping action [Uninstall].
When I run the script manually, it uninstalls fine. Its just when I do an uninstall from Software Center that it fails.
Also, here is my command line for uninstall in my deployment type PowerShell.exe -Executionpolicy bypass .\Deploy-Application.ps1 -DeploymentType “Uninstall”
Any ideas?