Oracle 12c client firewall popup removal

I’m currently trying to create a silent install for our Oracle 12c 64 bit client, everything has been working really well, the only stickler is I get an annoying popup for a JRE Windows defender firewall rule to be implemented, the folder that the rule is added to is given the time and date of the exact start of the setup, I’ve been unable to find much of use online that helps me get rid of this or stops this from popping up.

Has anyone come across this issue before?

Here is my Execute-Process command, I’ve been unable to find anything in the oracle documentation that stops this.

Execute-Process -Path 'setup.exe' -Parameters "-noconsole -nowait -waitforcompletion -silent -ignoreSysPrereqs -noconfig -ignorePrereq -force -responseFile "$dirFiles\response\client_install.rsp""

Any help would be appreciated as this is proving to be the main issue I’m having with this :slight_smile:

You could create a firewall rule before the JRE installation.