As a newcomer to the AppDeployment Toolkit, I am having difficulty locating information on how to include the PIDKEY parameter. I have successfully executed the following command in the command prompt.
SetupDstmp.exe /s -a /quiet PIDKEY=PAXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX ALLUSER=2 /l “%Windir%\Logs\SetupDstmp_log_4July.txt”
Note the backtick ` before each of the double quotes surrounding the path to your log file, this is to escape the extra double quotes, so the Execute-Process command will work seamlessly
The $dirFiles parameter is native to PSADT and points to the \Files\ path within PSADT
(See: Variables · PSAppDeployToolkit)
The $envWinDir parameter is a PSADT native environment variable that points to the Windows Directory
N.B. This is different from the native PowerShell command $env:windir
(See: Variables · PSAppDeployToolkit)
Because, if the path to $dirfiles contains a space, it may not give you the resultant path you are expecting.
I tend to put variables within $() for all variables output within double quotes to ensure the full content of the variable is output correctly