Thanks for the awesome Toolkit.
The defer button doesn’t seem to function. The installation block doesn’t pop back up a day later after clicking the defer button. Does it create a scheduled task? I am using:
When you click the “Defer” button a deadline value for the application is created under HKLM\SOFTWARE\PSAppDeployToolkit\DeferHistory<publisher_applicationname_version>*DeferDeadline* which is equal to current time + the number of days you put in “DeferDays”. This value is checked every time the installation is rerun and will only continue once the current time has passed this deadline.
It’s unclear which software distribution product you are using but if you are using SCCM/ConfigMgr/MECM you should check the Software Deployment interval in your Client Settings to make sure it’s at least configured to run once a day. Also make sure that the application installation is configured to “rerun if failed” if neccessary (a package in SCCM) since a click on defer is equal to a failed installation.