Hi all
I’ve been using PSADT v3 for years and I love it!
I’ve been testing with v4.0.5 by creating a new deployment from the v4 template zip file.
I’ve used the below line to show a countdown for closing the programs before the installation starts. However, I don’t see a countdown.
Show-ADTInstallationWelcome -CloseProcesses @{ Name = "mspaint"; Description = "Paint"}, @{ Name = "Photos"; Description = "Photos" } -CloseProcessesCountdown 900 -BlockExecution -CheckDiskSpace -NoMinimizeWindows -NotTopMost
I’ve also tried the below line as well and I still don’t see a countdown.
What am I doing wrong?
Show-ADTInstallationWelcome -CloseProcesses @{ Name = "mspaint"; Description = "Paint"}, @{ Name = "Photos"; Description = "Photos" } -ForceCloseProcessesCountdown 900 -BlockExecution -CheckDiskSpace -NoMinimizeWindows -NotTopMost
You can use the classic UI with v4 if you require this in the mean time.
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