V4 - Help with Silent install for DWGSeePro2025

I have been trying to get a silent install to work for DWGSeePro2025. I believe that the silent install parameters are as follows:
dwgseepro2021.exe -s -f1".\setup.iss"
(I have already created the response file and included it in the files folder)

The Install action I have prepared is as follows:
Start-ADTProcess -FilePath 'DWGSeePro2025.exe' -ArgumentList "-s -f1'".\setup.iss'" -SMS"

If I check Task manager I can see Invoke-AppDeployToolkit Executable is running but it just sits there.

Could somebody please assist

I am almost certain this is either to do with using ASCII characters rather than ANSI or the arrangement of double quotes you have, I’d recommend you escape the double quotes within the outer double quotes as this should fix the issue.

You should use the ` character before each double quote to escape it.

Here is you command line before:

Start-ADTProcess -FilePath ‘DWGSeePro2025.exe’ -ArgumentList “-s -f1’”.\setup.iss’" -SMS"

Those single and double quotes look wrong
Here is it converted to ANSI with the correct escaping:

Start-ADTProcess -FilePath 'DWGSeePro2025.exe' -ArgumentList "-s -f1`".\setup.iss`" -SMS"

N.B. If you paste any code inside a code block it should format correctly, To insert a code block - on a new line either press Ctrl+E or click on the </> preformatted text box button in the editor toolbar above.

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Another thing you could do is add logging to the InstallShield setup line.

I have a Tip here: InstallSheild Setup - How to install, uninstall, and log silently

CAVEAT: Syntax will have to be redone for PSADT v4.x. I’ll redo them all eventually when I’m good enough for v4 to do it.

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This worked well. Thanks for your help.


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