Hi everyone,
Pretty much configured v4 to how I want it but it is failing to find the MSI to uninstall.
We add our own custom variables to eliminate human errors and this still works very well in v4 when we add to the array $adtSession however, the cmdlet to uninstall an installed msi install doesnt appear to be working correctly:
AppGuid = ‘{12345678SOMEGUID91011121314}’
main uninstall
Write-ADTLogEntry -Message "Uninstalling $($adtSession.Appvendor, $adtSession.Appname, $adtSession.Appversion)"
Start-ADTMsiProcess -Action 'Uninstall' `
-ProductCode "$($adtSession.AppGuid)" `
-LogFileName "$($adtSession.Appvendor, $adtSession.Appname, $adtSession.Appversion)" `
-ArgumentList '/QN'
The below also does not work:
Uninstall-ADTApplication -Name ‘Google Chrome’ -ApplicationType 'MSI'
-LogFileName “OldGoogleChromeUninstall” `
-ArgumentList ‘/QN’
I dont get any errors just the below in the toolkit log:
[Uninstall] :: Found no application based on the supplied FilterScript.
Not sure why this is happening when the other variables in the script we have customised work fine for what they need to do.