I’m new and learning fast! But, I just want to check I should be able to run the toolkit as a user with local admin rights using command line/PDQ deployment but then give the logged-on user, if there is one, the post-installation reboot/defer prompts. This isn’t the Execute-ProcessAsUser command is it? I only want to execute the interactive bit as the logged-on user.
I’ll maybe do something like have the main app install as system or the admin user used to deploy the package (a bios update in this case), then have the user part be a script to check for success error code in install package log file, if it find success code it’ll start the user reboot prompt/defer options to the logged-on user.
You can or you can use some of PSADT’s Show- functions.
Something like this:
If ($SuccessErrorCode -eq $true) {
Show-InstallationRestartPrompt -Countdownseconds 300 -NoSilentRestart $false -SilentCountdownSeconds 10
} Else {
Show-InstallationProgress -StatusMessage "BIOS Update Failed...`nWe will try again at a later date."