Uninstall Succeeded but Install Failed


My first deployment using PSADT failed overall. In the deployment, I included an uninstall operation. That succeeded. However, the install operation failed. I’m using SCCM and the uninstall and install were included in the same script. The failure code is 60001 from the sccm logs although the overall deployment status for my test machine is still “In-progress” in the SCCM console.

I used the application deployment method with the following install: Deploy-Application.exe -DeploymentType ‘Install’ -DeployMode ‘NonInteractive’

The install file itself is a .msi.

Would someone be able to provide some insight as to the failure?

Thank you.

I checked the logs in C:\windows\logs\software and it appears the issue is with the parameters I have in there for the .msi.

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