Hello all. Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere, but I need a bit of direction.
I have an SCCM application pushing out a group of apps (.MSI, .MSP and .EXE). All are being installed by invoking Deploy-Application.exe -DeploymentType “Install”
The installation completes successfully. But SCCM still views the deployment as IN PROGRESS to test computers. I have been seeing that SCCM doesn’t necessarily work well with return codes from scripts, but some of the code has been a bit over my head. I am looking to make sure that PSADT is returning the resulting exit code to SCCM correctly.
My Deploy-Applications.ps1 script is shown below. Not very fancy, just customizing the install experience for end users, calling the installers and copying files. Is there code I should add to the script itself, or should I be invoking PSADT differently? And thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
This script performs the installation or uninstallation of an application(s).
The script is provided as a template to perform an install or uninstall of an application(s).
The script either performs an “Install” deployment type or an “Uninstall” deployment type.
The install deployment type is broken down into 3 main sections/phases: Pre-Install, Install, and Post-Install.
The script dot-sources the AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1 script which contains the logic and functions required to install or uninstall an application.
.PARAMETER DeploymentType
The type of deployment to perform. Default is: Install.
Specifies whether the installation should be run in Interactive, Silent, or NonInteractive mode. Default is: Interactive. Options: Interactive = Shows dialogs, Silent = No dialogs, NonInteractive = Very silent, i.e. no blocking apps. NonInteractive mode is automatically set if it is detected that the process is not user interactive.
.PARAMETER AllowRebootPassThru
Allows the 3010 return code (requires restart) to be passed back to the parent process (e.g. SCCM) if detected from an installation. If 3010 is passed back to SCCM, a reboot prompt will be triggered.
.PARAMETER TerminalServerMode
Changes to “user install mode” and back to “user execute mode” for installing/uninstalling applications for Remote Destkop Session Hosts/Citrix servers.
.PARAMETER DisableLogging
Disables logging to file for the script. Default is: $false.
powershell.exe -Command “& { & ‘.\Deploy-Application.ps1’ -DeployMode ‘Silent’; Exit $LastExitCode }”
powershell.exe -Command “& { & ‘.\Deploy-Application.ps1’ -AllowRebootPassThru; Exit $LastExitCode }”
powershell.exe -Command “& { & ‘.\Deploy-Application.ps1’ -DeploymentType ‘Uninstall’; Exit $LastExitCode }”
Deploy-Application.exe -DeploymentType “Install” -DeployMode “Silent”
Toolkit Exit Code Ranges:
60000 - 68999: Reserved for built-in exit codes in Deploy-Application.ps1, Deploy-Application.exe, and AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1
69000 - 69999: Recommended for user customized exit codes in Deploy-Application.ps1
70000 - 79999: Recommended for user customized exit codes in AppDeployToolkitExtensions.ps1
Param (
[string]$DeploymentType = ‘Install’,
[string]$DeployMode = ‘Interactive’,
[switch]$AllowRebootPassThru = $false,
[switch]$TerminalServerMode = $false,
[switch]$DisableLogging = $false
Try {
## Set the script execution policy for this process
Try { Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy ‘ByPass’ -Scope ‘Process’ -Force -ErrorAction ‘Stop’ } Catch {}
## Variables: Application
[string]$appVendor = 'Geo-Blue'
[string]$appName = 'Software Updates'
[string]$appVersion = '1.0'
[string]$appArch = ''
[string]$appLang = 'EN'
[string]$appRevision = '01'
[string]$appScriptVersion = '1.0.0'
[string]$appScriptDate = '10/31/2017'
[string]$appScriptAuthor = 'Chris Baiocchetti'
## Variables: Install Titles (Only set here to override defaults set by the toolkit)
[string]$installName = 'Geo-Blue Software Updates'
[string]$installTitle = 'Geo-Blue Software Updates'
##* Do not modify section below
#region DoNotModify
## Variables: Exit Code
[int32]$mainExitCode = 0
## Variables: Script
[string]$deployAppScriptFriendlyName = 'Deploy Application'
[version]$deployAppScriptVersion = [version]'3.6.9'
[string]$deployAppScriptDate = '02/12/2017'
[hashtable]$deployAppScriptParameters = $psBoundParameters
## Variables: Environment
If (Test-Path -LiteralPath 'variable:HostInvocation') { $InvocationInfo = $HostInvocation } Else { $InvocationInfo = $MyInvocation }
[string]$scriptDirectory = Split-Path -Path $InvocationInfo.MyCommand.Definition -Parent
## Dot source the required App Deploy Toolkit Functions
Try {
[string]$moduleAppDeployToolkitMain = "$scriptDirectory\AppDeployToolkit\AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1"
If (-not (Test-Path -LiteralPath $moduleAppDeployToolkitMain -PathType 'Leaf')) { Throw "Module does not exist at the specified location [$moduleAppDeployToolkitMain]." }
If ($DisableLogging) { . $moduleAppDeployToolkitMain -DisableLogging } Else { . $moduleAppDeployToolkitMain }
Catch {
If ($mainExitCode -eq 0){ [int32]$mainExitCode = 60008 }
Write-Error -Message "Module [$moduleAppDeployToolkitMain] failed to load: <code>n$($_.Exception.Message)</code>n `n$($_.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage)" -ErrorAction 'Continue'
## Exit the script, returning the exit code to SCCM
If (Test-Path -LiteralPath 'variable:HostInvocation') { $script:ExitCode = $mainExitCode; Exit } Else { Exit $mainExitCode }
##* Do not modify section above
If ($deploymentType -ine 'Uninstall') {
[string]$installPhase = 'Pre-Installation'
## Show Welcome Message, and give users five minutes to save work and close browsers before proceeding
Show-InstallationWelcome -CloseApps 'Firefox,iexplore,chrome,Acrord32' -BlockExecution -CloseAppsCountdown 300 -PersistPrompt
## Show Progress Message (with the default message)
## <Perform Pre-Installation tasks here>
[string]$installPhase = 'Installation'
## Handle Zero-Config MSI Installations
#If ($useDefaultMsi) {
# [hashtable]$ExecuteDefaultMSISplat = @{ Action = 'Install'; Path = $defaultMsiFile }; If ($defaultMstFile) { $ExecuteDefaultMSISplat.Add('Transform', $defaultMstFile) }
# Execute-MSI @ExecuteDefaultMSISplat; If ($defaultMspFiles) { $defaultMspFiles | ForEach-Object { Execute-MSI -Action 'Patch' -Path $_ } }
## <Perform Installation tasks here>
## Stop running applications
Stop-Process -Name "Firefox"
Stop-Process -Name "Iexplore"
Stop-Process -Name "Chrome"
Stop-Process -Name "AcroRd32.exe"
## Install Java JRE 8.151
Remove-MSIApplications -Name 'Java 8 Update'
Execute-MSI -Action 'Install' -Path 'jre1.8.0_151.msi' -Transform 'Javainstall.mst' -Parameters '/QN'
Copy-File -Path "$dirSupportFiles\deployment.properties" -Destination "$envSystemRoot\Sun\Java\Deployment\deployment.properties"
Copy-File -Path "$dirSupportFiles\deployment.config" -Destination "$envSystemRoot\Sun\Java\Deployment\deployment.config"
Copy-File -Path "$dirSupportFiles\exception.sites" -Destination "$envSystemRoot\Sun\Java\Deployment\exception.sites"
Remove-Folder -Path "$envProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Java"
## Install Google Chrome 62.0.3202.94
Execute-MSI -Action Install -Path 'googlechromestandaloneenterprise64.msi'
## Install Firefox 56.0.2
Execute-Process -Path 'FirefoxSetup56.0.2_X64.exe' -Parameters '-ms'
Copy-File -Path "$dirSupportFiles\override.ini" -Destination "$envProgramFiles\Mozilla Firefox\browser\override.ini"
Copy-File -Path "$dirSupportFiles\Mozilla.cfg" -Destination "$envProgramFiles\Mozilla Firefox\Mozilla.cfg"
Copy-File -Path "$dirSupportFiles\autoconfig.js" -Destination "$envProgramFiles\Mozilla Firefox\defaults\pref\autoconfig.js"
## Install Adobe Acrobat Reader 11.0.23
Execute-MSI -Action 'Patch' -Path 'AdbeRdrUpd11023.msp' -Parameters '/QN'
[string]$installPhase = 'Post-Installation'
## <Perform Post-Installation tasks here>
## Display a message at the end of the install
If (-not $useDefaultMsi) { Show-InstallationPrompt -Message 'Updates have been completed successfully. Click OK to close this box and resume work.' -ButtonRightText 'OK' -Icon Information -NoWait }
ElseIf ($deploymentType -ieq 'Uninstall')
[string]$installPhase = 'Pre-Uninstallation'
## Show Welcome Message, close Internet Explorer with a 60 second countdown before automatically closing
Show-InstallationWelcome -CloseApps 'Firefox,iexplore,chrome' -CloseAppsCountdown 300 -PersistPrompt
## Show Progress Message (with the default message)
## <Perform Pre-Uninstallation tasks here>
[string]$installPhase = 'Uninstallation'
## Handle Zero-Config MSI Uninstallations
#If ($useDefaultMsi) {
# [hashtable]$ExecuteDefaultMSISplat = @{ Action = 'Uninstall'; Path = $defaultMsiFile }; If ($defaultMstFile) { $ExecuteDefaultMSISplat.Add('Transform', $defaultMstFile) }
# Execute-MSI @ExecuteDefaultMSISplat
# <Perform Uninstallation tasks here>
# Stop-Process -Name "Firefox"
# Stop-Process -Name "Iexplore"
# Stop-Process -Name "Chrome"
# Execute-MSI -Action 'Uninstall' {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F32180151F0}
[string]$installPhase = 'Post-Uninstallation'
## <Perform Post-Uninstallation tasks here>
## Call the Exit-Script function to perform final cleanup operations
Exit-Script -ExitCode $mainExitCode
Catch {
[int32]$mainExitCode = 60001
[string]$mainErrorMessage = “$(Resolve-Error)”
Write-Log -Message $mainErrorMessage -Severity 3 -Source $deployAppScriptFriendlyName
Show-DialogBox -Text $mainErrorMessage -Icon ‘Stop’
Exit-Script -ExitCode $mainExitCode