Hope you’re ok.
Line 221:
Write-Log -Message "##### Installing $($appVendor) $($appName)" -Severity 1 -Source $deployAppScriptFriendlyName
Execute-Process -Path "$($dirFiles)\Sources\Setup\$($appFileEXEx64)" -Parameters "$($appInstallEXEParameters)" -IgnoreExitCodes '129,130,144,145,146'
Variables values are:
[string]$appFileEXEx64 = "NwSapSetup.exe"
[string]$appInstallEXEParameters = "/package=`"XXXXX-SUPPLIERS`" /noDlg /silent"
I’m using a script I found a while ago in this tchat… or on GitHub. I don’t remember exactly.
Composed of:
Write-Log -Source 'PSADTWIM' "Start of PSADTWIM"
Not sure why but if Toolkit is loaded with Import-Module $dirFiles and $dirSupportFiles points to .\AppDeployToolkit\Files and .\AppDeployToolkit\SupportFiles
If you run Deploy-Application.ps1 with no actions, it points to the right folder
$Global:PSADTBasePath = Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent
$Global:PSADTWIMSupportFiles = Join-Path -Path $PSADTBasePath -ChildPath "SupportFiles"
$Global:PSADTWIMFiles = Join-Path -Path $PSADTBasePath -ChildPath "Files"
$Global:WIMFileName = "media.wim"
$Global:WIMPath = Join-Path -Path $PSADTWIMSupportFiles -ChildPath $WIMFileName
# Module is disabled by default
$Global:PSADTWIMEnabled = $false
function Global:New-WIM {
[string]$CompressionType = "Max",
[string]$Description = $installName,
[string]$Name = $installName
# If the file already exist, do not overwrite
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $WIMPath)) {
$Params = @{
LogPath = "$configToolkitLogDir\$installName-PSADTWIM-New-WindowsImage.log"
Description = $Description
Name = $Name
CompressionType = $CompressionType
ImagePath = $WIMPath
CapturePath = $PSADTWIMFiles
# Create a WIM with the files present in the Files folder
New-WindowsImage @Params
# Since there is a WIM-file now, we need to enable this module. If not, Mount-WIM will not work.
$Global:PSADTWIMEnabled = $true
else {
throw "File already exist: '$WIMPath'"
function Global:Unmount-WIM {
param (
if (-not $Global:PSADTWIMEnabled) {
Write-Log -Source 'PSADTWIM-Unmount' "PSADTWIM is disabled"
Write-Log -Source 'PSADTWIM-Unmount' "Dismount '$WIMPath'."
try {
$Params = @{
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
LogPath = "$configToolkitLogDir\$installName-PSADTWIM-Dismount-WindowsImage.log"
# Default if to discard changes.
if ($Save.IsPresent) {
else {
# Unmount
Get-WindowsImage -Mounted -LogPath "$configToolkitLogDir\$installName-PSADTWIM-Get-WindowsImage.log" |
Where-Object { $_.ImagePath -eq $WIMPath } |
Dismount-WindowsImage @Params
} catch {
Write-Log -Source 'PSADTWIM-Unmount' -Message "Failed to dismount $($WIMPath): $_"
Exit-Script -ExitCode 70101
function Global:Mount-WIM {
# If no file is found there is no need to process things
if (-not $Global:PSADTWIMEnabled) {
Write-Log -Source 'PSADTWIM-Unmount' "PSADTWIM is disabled"
if ((Test-Path -Path $WIMPath)) {
Write-Log -Source 'PSADTWIM-Mount' "Mount '$WIMPath'."
# Check if image is already mounted
$CurrentlyMounted = Get-WindowsImage -Mounted -LogPath "$configToolkitLogDir\$installName-PSADTWIM-Get-WindowsImage.log" |
Where-Object { $_.ImagePath -eq $WIMPath }
if (-not $CurrentlyMounted) {
# Check if destination directory is empty
if ((Get-ChildItem -Path $PSADTWIMFiles).Count -gt 0) {
Write-Log -Source "PSADTWIM-Mount" -Severity 3 -Message "Failed to mount wim, destination directory is not empty ($PSADTWIMFiles)"
Exit-Script -ExitCode 70100
$MountParams = @{
CheckIntegrity = $true
Index = 1
Path = $PSADTWIMFiles
LogPath = "$configToolkitLogDir\$installName-PSADTWIM-Mount-WindowsImage.log"
# Default is to mount with ReadOnly because at runtime we usually only need to read.
if (-not $Write.IsPresent) {
Get-WindowsImage -ImagePath $WIMPath -LogPath "$configToolkitLogDir\$installName-PSADTWIM-Get-WindowsImage.log" |
Mount-WindowsImage @MountParams
else {
Write-Log -Source 'PSADTWIM-Mount' "$WIMPath is already mounted"
else {
Write-Log -Source 'PSADTWIM-Mount' "$WIMPath does not exist."
if (-not (Test-Path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Path "$WIMPath")) {
Write-Log -Source 'PSADTWIM' "A file with path '$WIMPath' was not found. PSADTWIM will not continue."
if (-not $IsAdmin) {
Write-Log -Severity 3 -Source 'PSADTWIM' "Executing user is not an administrator, can't process wim commands!"
if (-not (Get-Command -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Name 'Mount-WindowsImage')) {
Write-Log -Severity 3 -Source 'PSADTWIM' "Command 'Mount-WindowsImage' was not found, can't process wim commands!"
# Passed the checks, time to enable
$Global:PSADTWIMEnabled = $true
Write-Log -Source 'PSADTWIM' "End of PSADTWIM"
Added this line to AppDeployToolkit\AppDeployToolkitExtensions.ps1
# <Your custom functions go here>
. $ScriptRoot\AppDeployToolkitWim.ps1
And these lines at the end of Deploy-Application.ps1
## Call the Exit-Script function to perform final cleanup operations
Exit-Script -ExitCode $mainExitCode
Catch {
[Int32]$mainExitCode = 60001
[String]$mainErrorMessage = "$(Resolve-Error)"
Write-Log -Message $mainErrorMessage -Severity 3 -Source $deployAppScriptFriendlyName
Show-DialogBox -Text $mainErrorMessage -Icon 'Stop'
$Params = @{
ErrorAction = 'Stop'
LogPath = "$configToolkitLogDir\AppDeployToolkitWim $AppName-Dismount-WindowsImage.log"
Discard = $true
Get-WindowsImage -Mounted -LogPath "$configToolkitLogDir\AppDeployToolkitWim $AppName-Get-WindowsImage.log" | Where-Object { $_.ImagePath -eq $WIMPath } | Dismount-WindowsImage @Params
Exit-Script -ExitCode $mainExitCode
To create my WIM file:
- I load the AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1
- Put my installation files in Files directory
- Type New-Wim ==> creates a media.wim in SupportFiles directory
- Empty Files directory
I’m trying to create use a Wim file because there are 22k files for this installer and that takes too much time to deploy / download in the cache + size is reduced by almost 50%.
I also know that I don’t need to $($dirFiles)
but when I don’t put $($xxxx)
in VSCode, it’s unable to find the variable… don’t know why but it’s not a big deal.
Thanks for your help