Start-ServiceAndDependencies Error


Trying to start any service using Start-ServiceAndDependencies I’m getting the error below.

<code>[Post-Installation] :: Failed to start the service [Spooler].
Error Record:

Message : Cannot find any service with service name &#039;Spooler&#039;.
InnerException :

FullyQualifiedErrorId : NoServiceFoundForGivenName,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetServiceCommand
ScriptStackTrace : at Start-ServiceAndDependencies&amp;lt;Process&amp;gt;,
C:\Users\user1\Desktop\Toolkit\AppDeployToolkit\AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1: line 9585
at &amp;lt;ScriptBlock&amp;gt;, C:\Users\user1\Desktop\Toolkit\Deploy-Application.ps1: line 146
at &amp;lt;ScriptBlock&amp;gt;, &amp;lt;No file&amp;gt;: line 1
at &amp;lt;ScriptBlock&amp;gt;, &amp;lt;No file&amp;gt;: line 1

PositionMessage : At C:\Users\user1\Desktop\Toolkit\AppDeployToolkit\AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1:9585 char:49
+ [ServiceProcess.ServiceController]$Service = Get-Service -ComputerName $Compu …
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Start-ServiceAndDependencies	17/10/2016 15:15:32	1076 (0x0434)&lt;/code&gt;</pre>

I tried using the display name too, same issue. Looking at line 9585 in AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1, I cannot see an issue and executing the command manually seems to work.

[ServiceProcess.ServiceController]$Service = Get-Service -ComputerName $ComputerName -Name $Name -ErrorAction 'Stop'

Any help appreciated.

What did you have as the computername?

I didn’t set it, so it should use local computer by default? According to the documentation anyway.

Stop-ServiceAndDependencies seems to work fine.

My bad, I killed the service process using Show-InstallationWelcome but forgot to remove the ‘BlockExecution’ parameter. So when it came to starting the service, it obviously failed.

In saying that, there is a definite problem with the ‘SkipDependentServices’ parameter in Stop/Start-ServicesAndDependencies.

  1. If I run ‘start-serviceanddependencies Spooler -SkipDependentServices $true’, it fails with ‘[10-20-2016 13:00:30.749] [Initialization] [Test-ServiceExists] :: Failed check to see if service [Spooler] exists.’

  2. Adding ‘SkipServiceExistsTest’, to fix the error above, and running ‘start-serviceanddependencies Spooler -SkipDependentServices $true -SkipServiceExistsTest’ fails with the error below. This is the initial problem I had.

<code>…\AppDeployToolkit&gt; start-serviceanddependencies Spooler -SkipDependentServices $true -SkipServiceExistsTest
[10-20-2016 13:00:50.123] [Initialization] [Start-ServiceAndDependencies] :: Get the service object for service [Spooler].
[10-20-2016 13:00:54.657] [Initialization] [Start-ServiceAndDependencies] :: Failed to start the service [Spooler].
Error Record:

Message : Cannot find any service with service name &#039;Spooler&#039;.
InnerException :

FullyQualifiedErrorId : NoServiceFoundForGivenName,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetServiceCommand
ScriptStackTrace : at Start-ServiceAndDependencies&lt;Process&gt;, …\AppDeployToolkit\AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1: line 9585
at &lt;ScriptBlock&gt;, &lt;No file&gt;: line 1

PositionMessage : At …\AppDeployToolkit\AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1:9585
+ … ]$Service = Get-Service -ComputerName $ComputerName -Name $Name -Erro …
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~</code>