I’m looking to remove TeamViewer from all computers and was wondering if I could just use a wildcard like Teamviewer in the uninstall command to remove any instance detected?
Otherwise I’m running all of these:
Remove-MSIApplications -Name ‘TeamViewer 11 Host (MSI Wrapper)’
Remove-MSIApplications -Name ‘TeamViewer 11’
Remove-MSIApplications -Name ‘TeamViewer 11 Host’
Remove-MSIApplications -Name ‘TeamViewer Host’
Remove-MSIApplications uses a wildcard search by default unless you use the ‘-exact’ switch. So in your example you would only need to use the command below rather than all the ones you listed:
Remove-MSIApplications -Name ‘TeamViewer’
Note that you need to be careful with Remove-MSIApplications as it can easily remove applications you want to keep if you aren’t careful with your search terms.
thanks apparently the msi installed application has no msi installation string. In the registry it is msiexec /i{thecode} /qn.
But /i is for install so I’m not sure why it would have that as an uninstall command? Needless to stay the command doesn’t work for uninstalling.
I had to manually find the exe in the application path and determine the uninstall parameter and was able to incorporate that into the uninstall script