PSADT 4.0.5 - Deployment error with Start-ADTMsiProcess

I am getting this issue in V4. I am trying to deploy this application from intune and when running app it prompts this error, Line on which I am getting this error on is a simple msi install command. Can some one please guide me why the script is trying to look for psm1 file when all the files are getting shipped from the wrapper and if it is somewhere I can check and modify where can I go and modify. thanks.

for reference: this is the line on which error is shown:

Start-ADTMsiProcess -Action Install -FilePath “$($adtsession.DirFiles)\Prerequisites\MicrosoftODBCDriver18<name of msi>.msi” -ArgumentList ‘/qn /norestart’

[Pre-Install] :: Parameter set cannot be resolved using the specified named parameters.
Error Record:
Message               : Parameter set cannot be resolved using the specified named parameters.
FullyQualifiedErrorId : AmbiguousParameterSet,Start-ADTMsiProcess
ScriptStackTrace      : at Start-ADTProcess<Process>, C:\WINDOWS\IMECache\e891cebf-56e3-4a36-adde-8dd7ee8d29f0_1\PSAppDeployToolkit\PSAppDeployToolkit.psm1: line 20227
                        at Start-ADTMsiProcess<Process>, **C:\WINDOWS\IMECache\e891cebf-56e3-4a36-adde-8dd7ee8d29f0_1\PSAppDeployToolkit\PSAppDeployToolkit.psm1**: line 19485
                        at Install-ADTDeployment, C:\WINDOWS\IMECache\e891cebf-56e3-4a36-adde-8dd7ee8d29f0_1\Invoke-AppDeployToolkit.ps1: line 142
                        at <ScriptBlock>, C:\WINDOWS\IMECache\e891cebf-56e3-4a36-adde-8dd7ee8d29f0_1\Invoke-AppDeployToolkit.ps1: line 370
**PositionMessage       : At C:\WINDOWS\IMECache\e891cebf-56e3-4a36-adde-8dd7ee8d29f0_1\Invoke-AppDeployToolkit.ps1:142 char:1**
**                        + Start-ADTMsiProcess -Action Install -FilePath "$($adtsession.DirFiles ...**
**                        +** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Regrettably there’s a bug with our function error handler that made its way into 4.0.5 that’s addressed ahead of the next point release. Can you please download a pre-release build of 4.0.6 from here, then try again? - Add forced line breaks in comment-based help so the markdown export… · PSAppDeployToolkit/PSAppDeployToolkit@f7f34b8 · GitHub

The pre-release build won’t fix your issue, but it’ll fix the function error handler so you can more clearly identify what’s going wrong with your Start-ADTMsiProcess call.