August 9, 2023, 1:56pm
Hello guys,
i’ve tried to set the position of “show-installationrestartprompt” with this command:
Show-InstallationRestartPrompt -WindowLocation ‘BottomRight’ -Countdownseconds 600 -CountdownNoHideSeconds 60
But the command Windowlocation is not recognize. how can i do? Default is on center of the windows. it’s possibile to move on the right corner?
There is an outstanding pull request (from ~18 months ago) to extend the toolkit to include better dialog locating:
← grandweb4:patch-2
opened 08:43PM - 18 Feb 22 UTC
I'm frustrated when I try to change the window location and PSATK doesn't have o… ptions such as "BottomLeft" but it has "BottomRight" so I added the functionality.
Before submitting this Pull Request, I made sure:
- [x] I tested the toolkit with my changes and made sure it doesn't break other code.
- [X] I updated the documentation with the changes I made.
- [X] The code I changed has comments with explanation.
- [X] The encoding of the file wasn't changed. It is still UTF8 with BOM.
I guess this is sort of what you are looking for?
If and until this is added to the source code by the developers, I guess you would need to maintain this modification in your own code.
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September 7, 2023, 2:07pm
Hello Adrian_Scott,
many thanks!!
Just one question: in the pattern you sent me I see that there are red and green lines. I guess the green ones I have to add, and the red ones I have to delete?
Yes - The green lines are the modifications & additions and the red lines are what has been replaced
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September 14, 2023, 2:46pm
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