@mjr4077au @Adrian_Scott @That-Annoying-Guy
I figured I’d tag you bunch as you might have some kind of idea here.
The issue started with simply being logging that didn’t work, but now i’m completely unable to deploy apps via PSADT, both in version 4 as well as version 3.
I’m currently working with the newest version of PSADT 4 (4.0.4)
Using the example applications downloaded via GitHub provides the same issue.
I’ve tried to use MasterWrapper, and manually creating the deployments with the same result. I usually modify the log path in the config.psd1 in the template/config folder.
NOT in template/psappdeploytoolkit/config
This is the log that’s generated:
Commencing invocation of C:\WINDOWS\IMECache\ac150f57-0777-4d84-9b34-186d36a52358_1\Invoke-AppDeployToolkit.ps1.
Silent mode detected. No user interaction will be displayed.
Administrator rights are required. The verb ‘RunAs’ will be used with the invocation.
No ‘-File’ parameter specified on command-line. Adding parameter ‘-File “C:\WINDOWS\IMECache\ac150f57-0777-4d84-9b34-186d36a52358_1\Invoke-AppDeployToolkit.ps1”’…
Executable Path: C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\PowerShell.exe
Arguments: -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NonInteractive -NoProfile -NoLogo -WindowStyle Hidden -File “C:\WINDOWS\IMECache\ac150f57-0777-4d84-9b34-186d36a52358_1\Invoke-AppDeployToolkit.ps1” -DeploymentType Install -DeployMode Silent
Working Directory: C:\WINDOWS\IMECache\ac150f57-0777-4d84-9b34-186d36a52358_1\
An error occurred while running Invoke-AppDeployToolkit.ps1. Exit code: 60008
Running the invoke-appdeploytoolkit.ps1 directly in powershell with executionpolicy set to bypass for LocalMachine allows me to install the application, both in system as well as user context (administrator)
Just to test I created a completely new template using a fresh install of the powershell module:
New-ADTTemplate -Name "PSADTv4 - Test" -Destination "C:\Intune\App Deployment\01PSADT\03Global Applications"
I only modified the invoke-appdeploytoolkit.ps1 with this singular line, and didn’t modify anything else in the template. No modification to logging or anything else. Received the same 60008 error as above
## <Perform Installation tasks here>
New-ADTFolder -Path "c:\temp\test"
It seems to me like the signage on the module gets broken somehow. The device i’m testing with has been reimaged with a completely fresh Windows 11 pro - upgraded to enterprise, entra joined, excluded from all policies. The user is excluded from all policies as well:
I really, really want to use PSADT and have been pushing for it internally, but I’m simply unable to use it in any capacity currently