Is there a way to only display the ShowInstallationWelcome only when the specified apps are opened? And when no apps are opened, it just installs silently?
Yes through an If statement.
if (get-process -name "explorer" -erroraction silentlycontinue) {
# save previous deploymode
$previousdeploymode = $deployModeSilent
$previousdeploymode2 = $deployModeNonInteractive
# change deploy mode to interactive
$deployModeSilent = $false
$deployModeNonInteractive = $false
# show the installation welcome
ShowInstallationWelcome -CloseApps 'explorer'
# restore saved deploymode
$deployModeSilent = $previousdeploymode
$deployModeNonInteractive = $previousdeploymode2
-AllowDeferCloseApps []
Enables an optional defer button to allow the user to defer the installation only if there are running applications that need to be closed.
But if PSADT is running in a process that isnt interactive, it will kill all the processes that is listed (without notice!).
Show-InstallationWelcome should have $TestIfRunningOnly switch · Issue #202 · PSAppDeployToolkit/PSAppDeployToolkit (