Intune defer times

Is there anyway to set the retry times when a user hits “defer” for when the app is installing from intune?

A required installation for instance, when a user hits defer it retries within one minute. I can see this being annoying for a normal user.

One way around it is to set 60012 as a failure and then intune will retry within 8 hours three times but, ideally, we dont want to set this as a failure.

With PSADT v3.10 (and earlier) in our experience the deferral appeared in the Intune Portal as a failure with the Status detail (Hex Code): 0x8007EA6C

For us the retry occurs (By default) after 8 hours - generally the next day
I’m happy to accept these failures as I know that eventually they will succeed when the users deferrals have run out (3 times in my case)

Not that this matters, but the above screen grab is for Firefox, for which I use the following (PSADT 3.10) Show-InstallationWelcome command

Show-InstallationWelcome -CloseApps 'Firefox=Mozilla Firefox' -MinimizeWindows $false -AllowDeferCloseApps -DeferTimes 3 -CheckDiskSpace -PersistPrompt -TopMost $true

Thanks for the reply, in SCCM there is an option to determine the deployment based on exit codes and i noticed this wasnt set in intune.

Going to try that to see how that behaves (no pun intended) however, we will just accept the exit code 60012 as a failure to stop the instant retries if that doesnt work.

Just wanted to see if there was a way to set the retry time.

Someone’s sent through a PR to help with this and it looks good. I’m waiting for a co-developer to peer review it also before we get it in for 4.1.0.


I just remembered I had replied to something similar about deferal codes in Oct '23, this ‘might’ give you some ideas:

or the PR that @mjr4077au has just posted :point_up_2:may be good too


This looks very good!

I will see what the intune setting does and if that doesnt give us the results we want, we will just accept them as failures until the PR is imbedded into a newer version of the tool kit.