Hello to all,
I am using this toolkit and its working great.
I have a msi file with multiple parameters: msiexec.exe /i "%~dp0ABBYY FineReader 15 x64.msi" /Qb! REBOOT=ReallySuppress SHCTDESKTOP=0 DONT_ASK_ABOUT_DEFAULT=1 STATISTICS_ALLOWED=0 CHECK_UPDATES=0 INSTALL_UPDATES=0 EULA_ACCEPTED=1
I have tried running the command like this and it’s not working. Execute-MSI -Action 'Install' -Path "ABBYY FineReader 15 x64.msi"' -Parameters '/Qb!' REBOOT=ReallySuppress SHCTDESKTOP=0 DONT_ASK_ABOUT_DEFAULT=1 STATISTICS_ALLOWED=0 CHECK_UPDATES=0 INSTALL_UPDATES=0 EULA_ACCEPTED=1
Hi guys,
Its seems that i am getting complicated with this command.
I tried your suggestions and they didn’t work either.
No matter what i am writing after -addparameters, its just not added to the install command.
I added one parameter for testing directly into the xml file and then it did work.
The example you talked about is coming from [SnehaK]
I didn’t use all the example he wrote, only one parameter and it didn’t showed on the installation PS console.
I will continue testing the command till It would work.
I have tried both parameters -addparameters & -parameters and the installation command remains the same.
I even downloaded an earlier version 3.9.,2 & 3.9.3 all over again, and the same result.
Hope someone from the system can perform a quick test to see if its a bug.