Overriding MSI parameters


I am trying to perform an install of an MSI, however I am unable to hide the MSI installer by overriding the parameters.

I have added Execute-MSI -Action ‘Install’ -Path ‘EALite.msi’ -Parameters ‘REBOOT=ReallySuppress /QN’ to the Install section, however the logging is showing:

Executing [C:\Windows\system32\msiexec.exe /i “\winsccmsrv01\InstallSrc\Enterprise Architect\Enterprise Architect Viewer\Files\EALite.msi” REBOOT=ReallySuppress /QB-! /L*v “C:\Windows\Logs\Software\EALite_Install.log”]…

Is anyone able to advise why this is happening?


If you have the latest toolkit version then it does override the parameters:

		#  Replace default parameters if specified.
		If ($Parameters) { $argsMSI = "$argsMSI $Parameters" } Else { $argsMSI = "$argsMSI $msiDefaultParams" }

Maybe you’re using an outdated version?

Should be fairly current I downloaded the toolkit not too long ago - running version 3.8.0

Just specify “$dirfiles\EALite.msi” for the path and see if that works.

Ah yes that worked - many thanks!