How to pass the configuration file and installation key while packaging using execute-msi

Hi All, can anybody help me how to pass the configuration file and installation key while packaging the MSI. Here I am trying to package the cyberarck epm agent. I am using below under the Installation section, but it is not working.

Execute-MSI -Action Install -Path "$dirFiles\CyberArkEPM.msi" -Parameters "/QN CONFIGFILE=`"$dirFiles\abc.conf`" INSTALLATIONKEY=`"xxxxxxxxxxx`""


try to use the -AddParameters

Execute-MSI -Action "Install" -Path "$dirFiles\CyberArkEPM.msi" -AddParameters "CONFIGFILE=`"$dirFiles\abc.conf`" INSTALLATIONKEY=xxxxxxxxxxx"

-Parameters overrides the default parameter
-AddParameters adds parameter to default parameter

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Thank you very much for your response.
i tried with -AddParameters, but it is not working

MiTo is correct with his suggestion.
With it you should get another log file for the MSI if it got to start.

What is the error message you are getting? (please use the <\> formatting tool)

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