Function Block-AppExecution

Is there a way to temporarily undo the block appexecution during the install? We are automating installations of Aspen Engineering and Process Engineering but are coming across an issue that requires us to run an application to register it. Afterwards we would want to block it again. Is this possible? I see in your AppDeployToolkitMain that you note:

This is an internal script function and should typically not be called directly.
It is used when the -BlockExecution parameter is specified with the Show-InstallationWelcome function to block applications.

Would you be able to show me how to properly call it to unblock and then call it to block again?

Example of our installation welcome:
Show-InstallationWelcome -CloseApps “excel,groove,onenote,infopath,onenote,outlook,mspub,powerpnt,winword,winproj,visio,communicator,lync,processexplorer” -AllowDefer -DeferTimes 3 -CheckDiskSpace -PersistPrompt -CloseAppsCountdown 600 -MinimizeWindows 0

The application that we are needing to unblock and then block again is:processexplorer

Just call this function to unblock:

Then call this function again to block:
Block-AppExecution -ProcessName (excel,groove,onenote,infopath,onenote,outlook,mspub,powerpnt,winword,winproj,visio,communicator,lync,processexplorer)