Empirum/Matrix42 Scripters with PSADT implementation experience

Hi there,

We are using Matrix42/Empirum as the deployment environment. No SCCM or Intune (not yet).
I would like to know if there are some other here with the same setup and if we can share some experience about implementing PSADT in Empirum (interaction, Exitcode handling, where to place similar functions like Regkey and File handling, Drivespace calculation, …). Lot of PSADT functions are also provided by Empirum - so use the best of both.
Would be great to have some knowledge sharing.

Honestly - I am NOT the Empirum Expert but need to develop deployments for complex products together with the (single source) Empirum scripting guy.
So to avoid beginners errors I wrote that post.

Thanks for reading.

The only other mention of Empirum here is: @Hanslolloberd post: Skip installation section?

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Hi Adrian,
I found 2 posts (incl yours) to that in the Forum, but maybe there are some more hidden champions :wink:

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