Citrix VDA upgrade

We are trying to upgrade Citrix 7.15 LTSR CU2-Virtual Delivery Agent 7.15.2000.291 to Citrix Virtual apps Desktops 7 2203 LTSR CU3 2203.0.3000.3300 on Windows 10 VM’s through PSADT script. But we are getting different errors on different machines. Like Citrix service is not disabled, Monitor plugin installation failed. Could you please suggest which is the best method to upgrade this and Can I have the document for the same.

If you are upgrading the Citrix virtual Delivery agent it is very pain full

if you are using SCCM please use Task sequence to handle the upgrade it works flawlessly (Do not use PSADT it wont work)

Follow below link

you might need to use Citrix VDA cleanup utility as step 1 followed by reboot


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