When the ForceCloseAppsCountdown timer expires apps do not close. The Welcome window just starts blinking. Logging shows PSApp is trying to perform Stop-Process and then waits 2 seconds, over and over again.
If I try to run the Stop-Process command in Powershell (as local admin or under system account), I get an Access Denied error. Same when running Taskkill. The only way I can end a program is by using taskmanager gui, or running wmic.exe /interactive:off process where "name like 'winword%'" call terminate
I know this is beyond PSApp scope, but can anyone tell me why Stop-Process won’t work? I’m running Windows 10 20H2, have no conflicting gpo’s, turned off uac, and uninstalled all virus/malwarescanners.
edit - it does seem to be working for acad and notepad. But not on Office 365 applications: