Just updated the latest v4 module yesterday and created a couple v4 install templates.
I noticed the Invoke-AppDeployToolkit.exe pops up a white blank message on a Win 10 VM, where the ps1 running in Powershell ISE will show the welcome dialog properly.
On an actual machine, the same script ran OK using the exe or PS1, except the invoke…exe didn’t use the custom company logo, where using the PS1 to execute, showed the company logo, but appeared to not use the new wording and dialogs (it used the old dialogs)…very weird.
This was all from using PS to download the V4 module. My logo has been working for 3 years, but I will redo it and match the default size of the png file in assets and see if that helps.
I was able to previously edit the v3 AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1 and add “HelpLink” when retrieving installed application data. I was able to edit the Get-InstalledApplication function and add HelpLink for data to be returned. I don’t see any way I can get the Helplink data, except to go back to raw powershell, which I am steering away from.
I am definitely impressed with the new PSADT v4, except for a few issues that make it difficult to start switching over to it.
If nobody has any ideas, I will work on my logo and wait for the next update. Not being able to edit the AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1 is not the end of the world, but it means I could customize v3 a little more than v4 and I have to revert to raw powershell for certain functions in v4. Thanks
Can you please get some screenshots of what things look like on the screen? We’ve not experienced this issue so its hard to visualise what might be going on. If you haven’t downloaded 4.0.4, which came out only a day ago, please update to that and test again also.
I don’t believe the exe has ever used any other logo than its own as it’s part of the application’s manifest. Theoretically no one should see any output from the exe anyway, all of the output is from PowerShell itself.
PowerShell ISE is a WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) application. That means we cannot host our Fluent WPF dialogs from within PowerShell ISE. In this day and age, it’s best to put the ISE out to pasture and move onto something like VSCode.
There shouldn’t be any issues in changing the logo, it just needs to be a square (1:1 aspect ratio) PNG file. Please note that the banner assets, etc, are only for the Classic dialogs as clearly denoted in config.psd1.
Nothing’s stopping you from altering PSAppDeployToolkit.psm1 and achieving the same result, though the module will no longer be properly digitally signed, which may or may not be important to you. In the case of HelpLink, why squirrel away that requirement instead of putting it out there? Took me 2 minutes to add it, it makes your life easier and will possibly benefit others also.
mjr4077au, thanks for including the helplink data return in a future release. That keeps me from including raw powershell in a script and I am trying to use as much of the PSADT functions as possible…smile. I downloaded the latest PSADT 4.4
For the blank Dialog on a Win10 VM running the Invoke-AppDeployToolkit.exe with PSEXEC as system and interactive, is a weird one. It shows the dialog OK on a Laptop with the exe, so it appears the VM is an issue. I did try the exe on a second VM and same blank welcome screen.
Even ran the exe as just admin without PSEXEC and same blank screen.
OK, ran the exe on a WIn11 VM and the dialog was not blank, so the exe seems to not like my WIn10 enterprise VMs…also, on a Win11 VM, the company logo (even the orig PSADT banner) wouldn’t show up on the dialogs).
So, I created a PDF with some testing from a WIn10 laptop and WIn10 VM.
I noticed when I could get the company logo to show, it was never with the Invoke-AppDeployToolkit.exe in the VM. On the actual laptop, the company logo would show up, but the PSADT dialogs appeared to have v3 wording and the placement was square and not in the default v4 lower right of screen. I also added a Test MSI and it grabbed the name on another test (no screencaps) but I never saw my company logo on any screen.
To summarize -
The Win10 VMs showed a blank welcome dialog…just all white space when running the exe.
The WIn10 VMs showed the dialog, but appeared to be old school v3 wording and the dialog showed our company logo…but again, the dialog was v3 style and in center of screen.
The WIn11 VM showed the dialog (v4 style) without our company logo visible, when running the invoke…exe.
Laptop, showed the V4 style dialog OK, but didn’t display our company logo when using the company logo. I spent hours today getting this info, but really won’t get buy in for the new version without the company logo.
I am a little lost about the company logo thing. We always replaced the banner with a rectangle company logo and it always showed up the the dialogs. You mentioned a 1:1 company Ping, but but I assumed that is for the App icon if needed?
From what I can tell, the new Fluent dialogs don’t allow for our company banner use…correct?
So, is it possible to include our company logo banner (Used to be 900 x 125 pixels as in v3)?
If so, can we get some ideas of how to do that?
Thanks for jumping on the issue with getting the Helplink info we the function I mentioned. That will help. I included the png of the issue with win10 VM showing a blank dialog.
What hypervisor are you using for the VM? Hyper-V? VirtualBox? Are the latest integration tools/drivers installed? I’ve not had this on Hyper-V or Windows Sandbox, but I haven’t tested anything else.
Once we know more about your setup, we can try and replicate it. This one will be lower priority for us since it isn’t happening on real kit, but we’ll still investigate it nonetheless.
It is VMware Workstation. 16.2.5 build-20904516 It is really the only spot we can test our scripts, since we don’t want to test large CAD apps on real machines or systems we might have to reimage a few dozen times in a day. I haven’t used Windows Sandbox or Hyper-V running on a local laptop but will look into that. I run my other licensed software in a VM in VMware and these machines are portable, which is another reason I run VMware workstation.
VMWare Workstation Pro is indeed free for everyone. Even corporations. Having needed it recently, I can tell you 16.2.5 is not W11 friendly so upgrade to 17.2 (or latest) which removes the license completely. It’s noticeably faster as well.
OK, about the PSADT v4.4 Fluent interface not working on a Win 10 VM running from a Win10 laptop, and then I went to my Mac Studio and ran the latest VMware fusion and got the Fluent interface (dialogs) to show up OK on a Win11 VM. Pretty weird so far. I will be testing on a newer Dell laptop and run Win 10 and 11 VMs from VMware and see how that goes. UPDATE:
I moved the Win 10 VM to a new Dell laptop (from a 3 yr old IBM Thinkpad i7 "i7vPRO), and the Fluent dialog showed up OK.
No Company Logo in Fluent dialog (Seems to be a design decision?)
The publicity page “…Why you should upgrade…” talks about “Your customers won’t notice any visible difference when a deployment runs,”
except the company logo will not be shown in the fluent interface, only the legacy one…which looks old, compared to the fluent. Also, " As before, it is of course customizable with your own logo and banners," and this statement in “Why you should upgrade,” “As before, it is of course customizable with your own logo and banners,”
and I just couldn’t find a way to put a company logo in this new version. (The asset folder banner change, makes the legacy dialogs kick in and it bypasses the fluent dialogs).
I am pushing for the new v4 version of PSADT, but I know some companies want their logo shown during interactive installs. One of the companies I contract to, needs the majority of their huge installs to be interactive, so I will see if the new Fluent interface will work for management, by just having the Company name in the dialog (I already edited the strings.psd1 and put the company name in line 130). Any thoughts on letting us include a company logo in the fluent interface?