Hello, I started using v4 because it have really nice UI for users but those toast are not showing when I using those commands:
Show-ADTInstallationProgress -StatusMessage 'Installation in Progress...' -WindowLocation 'BottomRight'
Start-ADTProcess -FilePath "JabraDirectSetup.exe" -ArgumentList "/install /quiet /norestart /log C:\Windows\Logs\Software\JabraDirect-Install.log" -WindowStyle "Hidden"
or this one
Show-ADTInstallationPrompt -Message 'Jabra installed succesfully.' -ButtonRightText 'OK' -Icon Information -NoWait
I doing something wrong or v4 have issues with that? I testing using psexec and just run Invoke-AppDeployToolkit.ps1
I saw this in the logs maybe this is the reason: The ESP User Account Setup phase is still in progress as IsSyncDone was not found, changing deployment mode to silent.