Toast notifications not working in v4.0.5

Hello, I started using v4 because it have really nice UI for users but those toast are not showing when I using those commands:

Show-ADTInstallationProgress -StatusMessage 'Installation in Progress...' -WindowLocation 'BottomRight'
Start-ADTProcess -FilePath "JabraDirectSetup.exe" -ArgumentList "/install /quiet /norestart /log C:\Windows\Logs\Software\JabraDirect-Install.log" -WindowStyle "Hidden"

or this one

Show-ADTInstallationPrompt -Message 'Jabra installed succesfully.' -ButtonRightText 'OK' -Icon Information -NoWait

I doing something wrong or v4 have issues with that? I testing using psexec and just run Invoke-AppDeployToolkit.ps1

I saw this in the logs maybe this is the reason: The ESP User Account Setup phase is still in progress as IsSyncDone was not found, changing deployment mode to silent.

Can you please tell me more about your environment? Are you an Intune user? SCCM? Do you use Autopilot with either?