Teamsbootstapper.exe and PSADT question

I’m new to PSADT and struggling getting MS Teams installed.
Could someone please point me to the right direction? The idea is to use PSADT with Intune.

I tried the two commands below and both fail with “completed with exit code [-2147024809]”.

Execute-Process -Path "$dirFiles\teamsbootstrapper.exe" -Parameters "-p

Execute-Process -Path "$dirFiles\teamsbootstrapper.exe" -Parameters "-p -o `"$dirFiles\MSTeams-x64.msix`""
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The first line is incomplete

I don’t know about the second line

Figure out how to do from a CMD console and paste the working command here.

I’ll translate it for you.

Thank you for your message.

I was able to deploy to the Teambootstrapper.exe eventually with the two commands with success on brand new test VMs.
It seems like there was something wrong with the VMs that failed to complete the installation successfully.

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