PSAppDeployToolkit / Patch My PC - Q&A Webinar

:rocket: Exciting News from the PSADT Team! :rocket:

At #MMSMiami, it was announced that #PSAppDeployToolkit has partnered with Patch My PC - a leader in the 3rd party software update management space.

:star2: Partnership Highlights:

  • Patch My PC is taking on a stewardship role of the PSAppDeployToolkit code repo.

  • All of us are committed to keeping the toolkit Open Source and free to use.

  • We are gearing up for accelerated innovation, enhancing the toolkit’s capabilities and solving some long-standing issues.

  • We have a brand-new website with updated documentation and references: LinkedIn

:mag: Why This Matters:

This partnership isn’t just about growing; it’s about strengthening our commitment to providing a top-notch tool for the community. With #PatchMyPC’s expertise and resources, we’re set to bring you more features, customization, stability, and efficiency in your software deployment processes.

:speech_balloon: Upcoming Webinar – Mark Your Calendars!

We understand you might have questions and thoughts about what this partnership means for the future of #PSADT. So, let’s talk about it! Join us on November 29th to learn more, ask questions, and understand our shared vision with Patch My PC.

:point_right: Register for the webinar