PSADT - Set Default Apps

Hi all,
I want to deploy a packaged photo viewer (One Photo Viewer) to my machines and set that as the default program for JPG, JPEG and PNG files.

I can deploy the application but I’m having trouble setting the file associations.
Is there an easy way to do this with PSADT?

I’ve tried creating this reg key in the script

and then pointing that to an exported XML or TXT file (below) containing the default apps but it isn’t working.

Any help is much appreciated

We do the same with the GPO.
the changes only happen after a reboot.

Hey thanks for the reply.
I’ve tried a reboot but the file associations don’t seem to change :frowning:

Ah! It’s probably the ProgIds.

This might help: Making file type associations enterprise ready – Red Pill Blogs


i use this CmdLet :

#region Function Manage-AppAssoc
function Manage-AppAssoc
	   Add or remove application associations in Windows 10 environment
	   Use a XML file and a local policy object to set default application associations (add, or remove associations)
		Action mode : 'Add' or 'Remove'
		Source XML file containing associations to add or remove
		Target XML file on the local computer. If not specified, default file is 'C:\ProgramData\CompanyName\DefaultApps\DefaultApps.xml'
		Which is the regular file to use in every case. 
		Sample source file "$dirSupportFiles\MailtoAssoc.xml":
			<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
				<Association Identifier=".eml" ProgId="Outlook.File.eml.14" ApplicationName="Microsoft Outlook" />
				<Association Identifier="mailto" ProgId="Outlook.URL.mailto.14" ApplicationName="Microsoft Outlook" />
		Add some application associations from MailtoAssoc.xml to the standard target file and (re-)set the local policy to this target file. Error exit if failed.
		if ( -not ( Manage-AppAssoc -Action Add -Source "$dirSupportFiles\MailtoAssoc.xml" ) ) {
			Exit-Script -ExitCode 70010 -Message 'Error trying to update application associations'
		None. This command does not accept pipeline input.
		$True if succeeded,
		$False when an error occured: the error is already logged. The calling script may exit or not, depending on the importance of these associations.
		[String] $Action,
		[String] $Source,
		[String] $Target = 'C:\ProgramData\CompanyName\DefaultApps\DefaultApps.xml'
	Begin {
		## Get the name of this function and write header
		[string]${CmdletName} = $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
		Write-FunctionHeaderOrFooter -CmdletName ${CmdletName} -CmdletBoundParameters $PSBoundParameters -Header
		[xml]$sourcexml = $null
		[xml]$targetxml = $null
	Process {
		try {
			## Only for Win 10 and +
			If ([int]$envOSVersionMajor -lt 10)
				## Log a Warning
				Write-Log -Message 'This function only works for windows 10.' -Source ${CmdletName} -Severity 2
				return $false

			Write-Log -Message "Action is [$Action]" -Source ${CmdletName}
			Write-Log -Message "Source is [$Source]" -Source ${CmdletName}
			Write-Log -Message "Target is [$Target]" -Source ${CmdletName}

			## Read the source file
			Write-Log -Message 'Reading Source file content ...' -Source ${CmdletName}
			try {
				[xml]$sourcexml = Get-Content $Source -ErrorAction Stop
			catch {
				Write-Log -Message "Error reading xml Source: [$Source] [$($_.Exception.Message)]" -Severity 3 -Source ${CmdletName}
				return $false

			if ( Test-Path $Target ) {
				# Read the target file content
				Write-Log -Message 'Reading target file content ...' -Source ${CmdletName}
				try {
					[xml]$targetxml = Get-Content $Target -ErrorAction Stop
				catch {
					Write-Log -Message "Error reading xml target file: [$Target] Error: [$($_.Exception.Message)]" -Severity 3 -Source ${CmdletName}
					return $false
			else {
				# Create the target xml object. (The file will be created at the end of the function when changes are saved.)
				Write-Log -Message 'Target file does not exist, creating an empty one ...' -Source ${CmdletName}
				[xml]$targetxml = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument
				# Create the directory if needed
				$target_directory = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($Target)
				if ( -not (Test-Path $target_directory -PathType Container) ) {
					New-Item $target_directory -ItemType Directory -Force | out-null

			# Parsing source file nodes
			foreach($sourcenode in $sourcexml.SelectSingleNode("DefaultAssociations").SelectNodes("Association")) {
				Write-Log -Message "Processing Association Identifier: $($sourcenode.Identifier), ProgID: $($sourcenode.ProgID), ApplicationName: $($sourcenode.ApplicationName)" -Source ${CmdletName}
				# Test if source node exists in Destination file
				$targetnode = $targetxml.DefaultAssociations.Association | Where {$_.Identifier -eq  $sourcenode.Identifier}
				if($targetnode) {
					# The node exists: remove it. For the 'add' action it will be re-added with the source file content, to update it.
					Write-Log -Message "	 + Association exists in target, removing node ..." -Source ${CmdletName}
				if($Action -eq "add") {
					# Add the new node to the target file
					Write-Log -Message "	 + Adding node to target ..."  -Source ${CmdletName}
					[void]$targetxml.SelectSingleNode("DefaultAssociations").AppendChild($targetxml.ImportNode($sourcenode, $true))

			# Save the target file and set the local policy, or remove them if there is no associations left
			if($targetxml.SelectSingleNode("DefaultAssociations").SelectNodes("Association").Count -eq 0) {
				# Remove the target file
				if ( Test-Path $Target ) {
					Write-Log -Message 'Target file has no content. Removing it ...' -Source ${CmdletName}
					Remove-Item -Path $Target -Force
				# Remove the local policy
				Write-Log -Message 'Removing local policy...' -Source ${CmdletName}
				$registryPath = "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System"
				$Name = "DefaultAssociationsConfiguration"
				Remove-ItemProperty -Path $registryPath -Name $name -Force | Out-Null
			} else {
				# Save the target file
				Write-Log -Message "Saving target file ..."  -Source ${CmdletName}
				# Set the Local Policy for this target file
				Write-Log -Message 'Setting local policy' -Source ${CmdletName}
				$registryPath = 'Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System'
				Set-RegistryKey -Key $registryPath -Name 'DefaultAssociationsConfiguration' -Value $Target -Type 'String' -ContinueOnError $false
			Write-Log -Message 'OK function succeeded.' -Severity 1 -Source ${CmdletName}
			return $True
		catch {
			Write-Log -Message ( 'Error function failed (error catched): '  + (& { $_ | Format-List * | Out-String }) ) -Severity 3 -Source ${CmdletName}
			return $false
	End {
		Write-FunctionHeaderOrFooter -CmdletName ${CmdletName} -Footer

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