Good morning,
I have just downloaded the new PSADT version 4.0.5 (Template v4), added the (un)install parameters to the .ps1 and saved the setup in the files-folder.
The (un)installation was successful.
The logfile was created, but only the “Initialization” part is available - the remaining parts such as Pre-(Un)Install, (Un)Install, Post-(Un)Install and Finalization are missing.
No further changes were made to the toolkit.
I then downloaded PSADT 4.0.4 (Template v4) and made the same changes → the log file is created with all parts.
Have I overlooked a change in the release notes, is this a bug in the new version or am I doing something wrong?
Good morning again,
I have looked at the problem again and have saw that the logs are created completely in PSADT v4.0.5.
The problem is probably the formatting of the log. In e.g. Notepad++ I can display the log completely, only CMTrace causes problems here.
I have noticed that the log in v4.0.5 has a a few other lines in direct comparison to 4.0.4, which is why the log is no longer displayed after line 24 in CMTrace.
If I would delete the blank lines, CMTrace would display the complete log again.
If I remember correctly, there was an issue similar to this when viewing certain logs with earlier versions of CMTrace.
If you are not already using the latest CMTrace, I’d recommend updating as it has been found to fix this issue (or at least an issue very similar).
It’s also worth being aware that Microsoft have created a newer log reader (OneTrace) that has more features (is more modern than CMTrace), I discovered this whilst auditing what apps we have in the Intune Portal, I came across a discussion about how to download the latest CMTrace (which led me to a RudyOoms blog page).
Digging a little deeper I discovered OneTrace - it appears to be the natural replacement for CMTrace and is available within the latest MECM / ConfigMgr download as part of the SupportCenterInstaller.msi (Found in the \SMSSETUP\Tools\SupportCenter folder):