I am new to the world of PowerShell scripting, the PSA toolkit has been awesome in helping me build Intune software packages and I am slowly getting the hang of this. But I am stuck on one package. I have an software that uses an XLM license file and I am trying to figure out how I can copy this file to the local users system.
I can get the software to install correctly, But I don’t know what code to use to copy this license file. I have placed the license file in SupportFiles folder. It’s called License.xml. It needs to be copied to “%appdata%\Roaming\NewCode” folder.
I tried using the follwing code in the “post installtion Task” area but it doesn’t seem to work
I did notice that the “NewCode” folder does not get created in Appdata until the application is launched for the first time. How can I get the folder created during install and have the license file placed in there so when the app launches it automatically detects the license.
I have the License.xml file inside the “SupportFiles” folder. if I look at the installation log there is no mention of a license.xml file or any NewCode folder. And the folder is not being created in the Appdata/Roaming location