
Hi everyone! Thanks for creating this awesome script!

Here is my question.I’m using SCCM to deploy some files to my end users.
I read the manual, the variable usage like below.
$envAppData %APPDATA% (e.g. C:\Users{username}\AppData\Roaming)

So this is my code.
Copy-File -Path “$dirFiles\Document Themes” -Destination “$envAppData\Microsoft\Templates” -Recurse -ContinueOnError $true

So it should be copy the document themes into C:\Users{username}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates\


[Installation] :: Copy file(s) recursively in path [C:\windows\ccmcache\as\Files\Document Themes] to destination [C:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates].

Why will it copy to config\systemprofile?

Appreciate if somebody can help out there :slight_smile:

This is because the SCCM app is deploying as SYSTEM. You’d need to change this to run as the user for $envAppData to pick up the current user’s profile - a better method would be to use a separate script to populate the files to the Templates folder and use the Set-ActiveSetup function in the Toolkit.

Hope this helps. Dan

Hi Dan, thanks for your quick reply! really appreciate it!

Sorry, i’m very noob on powershell so I’m little bit confuse on the Set-ActiveSetup function.

So let say i put all my files which need to copy to %appdata% to a folder at C:\TempFolders. And then with set-activesetup function, every time a new user login to this computer, it will go C:\Tempfolders to run the following command?

Copy-File -Path “$dirFiles\Document Themes” -Destination “C:\TempFolders\” -Recurse -ContinueOnError $true

Set-ActiveSetup -StubExePath “$envWinDir\system32\cmd.exe” -Arguments ‘xcopy C:\TempFolders\Document Themes %appdata%\Microsoft\Templates’ -Description ‘Settings up your profile’


Yep, that’d pretty much be it. However you need to encapsulate the folder with quotes, so:

Set-ActiveSetup -StubExePath "$envWinDir\system32\cmd.exe" -Arguments "xcopy '"C:\TempFolders\Document Themes'" '"%AppData%\Microsoft\Templates'"" -Description "Settings up your profile"

Think that should do it.
