We use the postpone (Show-installationwelcome) to deploy the apps with scheduled tasks.
My problem is that multiple instances of Appdeploy can be launched.
How to block another launch if a postpone is already running.
Does this possibility exist natively?
Do not run deploy-application.exe if this process is already open.![
I tried this command without success in pre-installation :
if (get-process “Deploy-application” -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { exit }
You can’t really test Deploy-Application because one is running for your powershell session also.
Could create a temp file and remove it at the end. Ofc prior to that you would always test whether it exists and exit if not.
I will do some more testing, and check that it works with all return codes.
I think, it is not recommended to modify the main.ps1 file.
Thank you for your help.
Im in the same situation where peolpe can defer installation, and later multiples installations are run at the same time.
In my case, its about the firefox 78 installation, and the setup is ran 2 times … this results with incomplete installation
Can ou confirm this problem ?
How can I avoid it ?
[Initialization] :: ******************************************************************************* PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:09 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: ******************************************************************************* PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:09 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: [Firefox78] setup started. PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:09 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Script [C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\e\AppDeployToolkit\AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1] dot-source invoked by [C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\e\Deploy-Application.ps1] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:09 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Script [C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\e\AppDeployToolkit\AppDeployToolkitExtensions.ps1] dot-source invoked by [C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\e\AppDeployToolkit\AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1] PSAppDeployToolkitExt 28/07/2021 13:02:09 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: [Firefox78] script version is [1.3.0] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:09 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: [Firefox78] script date is [02/03/2021] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:09 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: [Firefox78] script author is [msizec] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:09 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: [Déploiement d'application] script version is [3.8.3] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:10 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: The following non-default parameters were passed to [Déploiement d'application]: [-DeploymentType "Install"] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:10 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: [App Deploy Toolkit Main] script version is [3.8.3] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:10 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: [App Deploy Toolkit Extensions] version is [3.8.3] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:10 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Computer Name is [Mxxxx] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:10 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Current User is [AUTORITE NT\Système] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:10 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: OS Version is [Microsoft Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail 64-bit 10.0.18362.1256] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:10 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: OS Type is [Workstation] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:10 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Current Culture is [fr-FR], language is [FR] and UI language is [FR] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:10 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Hardware Platform is [Physical] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:10 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: PowerShell Host is [ConsoleHost] with version [5.1.18362.1171] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:10 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: PowerShell Version is [5.1.18362.1171 x64] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:10 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: PowerShell CLR (.NET) version is [4.0.30319.42000] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:10 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: ******************************************************************************* PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:10 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Display session information for all logged on users:
NTAccount : \rpliv1_38
SID : S-1-5-21-1177238915-2139871995-682003330-8806
UserName : rpliv1_38
DomainName :
SessionId : 1
SessionName : Console
ConnectState : Active
IsCurrentSession : True
IsConsoleSession : True
IsActiveUserSession : True
IsUserSession : True
IsRdpSession : False
IsLocalAdmin : False
LogonTime : 24/06/2021 14:40:29
IdleTime : 00:00:00
DisconnectTime :
ClientName :
ClientProtocolType :
ClientDirectory :
ClientBuildNumber : 0
PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:11 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: The following users are logged on to the system: [\rpliv1_38]. PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:11 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Current process is running with user account [AUTORITE NT\Système] under logged in user session for [\rpliv1_38]. PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:11 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: The following user is the console user [\rpliv1_38] (user with control of physical monitor, keyboard, and mouse). PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:11 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: The active logged on user is [\rpliv1_38]. PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:11 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: The active logged on user [\rpliv1_38] has a primary UI language of [FR]. PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:11 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: The following UI messages were imported from the config XML file: [UI_Messages_FR]. PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:11 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: The active logged on user [\rpliv1_38] has a DPI scale factor of [125] with DPI pixels [120]. PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:11 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Unable to load COM Object [Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment]. Therefore, script is not currently running from a SCCM Task Sequence. PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:11 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Service [EventSystem] exists. Test-ServiceExists 28/07/2021 13:02:12 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Get the service [EventSystem] startup mode. Get-ServiceStartMode 28/07/2021 13:02:12 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Service [EventSystem] startup mode is set to [Automatic]. Get-ServiceStartMode 28/07/2021 13:02:12 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Get the service object for service [EventSystem]. Start-ServiceAndDependencies 28/07/2021 13:02:12 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Service [EventSystem] with display name [Système d’événement COM+] has a status of [Running]. Start-ServiceAndDependencies 28/07/2021 13:02:12 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Service [RpcSs] exists. Test-ServiceExists 28/07/2021 13:02:12 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Get the service [RpcSs] startup mode. Get-ServiceStartMode 28/07/2021 13:02:12 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Service [RpcSs] startup mode is set to [Automatic]. Get-ServiceStartMode 28/07/2021 13:02:12 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Get the service object for service [RpcSs]. Start-ServiceAndDependencies 28/07/2021 13:02:12 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Service [RpcSs] with display name [Appel de procédure distante (RPC)] has a status of [Running]. Start-ServiceAndDependencies 28/07/2021 13:02:12 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Service [EventLog] exists. Test-ServiceExists 28/07/2021 13:02:13 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Get the service [EventLog] startup mode. Get-ServiceStartMode 28/07/2021 13:02:13 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Service [EventLog] startup mode is set to [Automatic]. Get-ServiceStartMode 28/07/2021 13:02:13 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Get the service object for service [EventLog]. Start-ServiceAndDependencies 28/07/2021 13:02:13 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Service [EventLog] with display name [Journal d’événements Windows] has a status of [Running]. Start-ServiceAndDependencies 28/07/2021 13:02:13 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Service [Schedule] exists. Test-ServiceExists 28/07/2021 13:02:13 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Get the service [Schedule] startup mode. Get-ServiceStartMode 28/07/2021 13:02:13 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Service [Schedule] startup mode is set to [Automatic]. Get-ServiceStartMode 28/07/2021 13:02:13 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Get the service object for service [Schedule]. Start-ServiceAndDependencies 28/07/2021 13:02:13 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Service [Schedule] with display name [Planificateur de tâches] has a status of [Running]. Start-ServiceAndDependencies 28/07/2021 13:02:13 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: The task scheduler service is in a healthy state: True. PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:13 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Session 0 detected, process running in user interactive mode, user(s) logged in. PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:13 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Installation is running in [Interactive] mode. PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:13 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: Deployment type is [Installation]. PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 13:02:13 16984 (0x4258)
[Pre-Installation] :: Evaluate disk space requirements. Show-InstallationWelcome 28/07/2021 13:02:13 16984 (0x4258)
[Pre-Installation] :: Retrieve free disk space for drive [C:]. Get-FreeDiskSpace 28/07/2021 13:02:13 16984 (0x4258)
[Pre-Installation] :: Free disk space for drive [C:]: [431298 MB]. Get-FreeDiskSpace 28/07/2021 13:02:13 16984 (0x4258)
[Pre-Installation] :: Successfully passed minimum disk space requirement check. Show-InstallationWelcome 28/07/2021 13:02:13 16984 (0x4258)
[Pre-Installation] :: Get deferral history... Get-DeferHistory 28/07/2021 13:02:13 16984 (0x4258)
[Pre-Installation] :: Registry key [Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PSAppDeployToolkit\DeferHistory\Firefox78] does not exist. Return $null. Get-RegistryKey 28/07/2021 13:02:14 16984 (0x4258)
[Pre-Installation] :: Convert the date [07/31/2021 13:02:14] to a universal sortable date time pattern based on the current culture [fr-FR]. Get-UniversalDate 28/07/2021 13:02:14 16984 (0x4258)
[Pre-Installation] :: User has until [2021-07-31 13:02:14Z] before deferral expires. Show-InstallationWelcome 28/07/2021 13:02:14 16984 (0x4258)
[Pre-Installation] :: Convert the date [07/28/2021 13:02:14] to a universal sortable date time pattern based on the current culture [fr-FR]. Get-UniversalDate 28/07/2021 13:02:14 16984 (0x4258)
[Pre-Installation] :: Check for running applications: [firefox] Get-RunningProcesses 28/07/2021 13:02:14 16984 (0x4258)
[Pre-Installation] :: The following processes are running: [firefox]. Get-RunningProcesses 28/07/2021 13:02:14 16984 (0x4258)
[Pre-Installation] :: Prompt user to close application(s) [Firefox]... Show-WelcomePrompt 28/07/2021 13:02:14 16984 (0x4258)
[Pre-Installation] :: User has the option to defer. Show-WelcomePrompt 28/07/2021 13:02:14 16984 (0x4258)
[Pre-Installation] :: The running processes have changed. Updating the apps to close: [Firefox]... Show-WelcomePrompt 28/07/2021 13:02:16 16984 (0x4258)
[Initialization] :: ******************************************************************************* PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:35 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: ******************************************************************************* PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:35 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: [Firefox78] setup started. PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:35 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: Script [C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\e\AppDeployToolkit\AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1] dot-source invoked by [C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\e\Deploy-Application.ps1] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:35 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: Script [C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\e\AppDeployToolkit\AppDeployToolkitExtensions.ps1] dot-source invoked by [C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\e\AppDeployToolkit\AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1] PSAppDeployToolkitExt 28/07/2021 14:28:35 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: [Firefox78] script version is [1.3.0] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:35 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: [Firefox78] script date is [02/03/2021] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:35 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: [Firefox78] script author is [msizec] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:35 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: [Déploiement d'application] script version is [3.8.3] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:35 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: The following non-default parameters were passed to [Déploiement d'application]: [-DeploymentType "Install"] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:35 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: [App Deploy Toolkit Main] script version is [3.8.3] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:35 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: [App Deploy Toolkit Extensions] version is [3.8.3] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:35 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: Computer Name is [Mxxx] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:35 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: Current User is [AUTORITE NT\Système] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:35 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: OS Version is [Microsoft Windows 10 Professionnel pour les Stations de travail 64-bit 10.0.18362.1256] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:35 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: OS Type is [Workstation] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:35 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: Current Culture is [fr-FR], language is [FR] and UI language is [FR] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:35 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: Hardware Platform is [Physical] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:35 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: PowerShell Host is [ConsoleHost] with version [5.1.18362.1171] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:35 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: PowerShell Version is [5.1.18362.1171 x64] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:35 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: PowerShell CLR (.NET) version is [4.0.30319.42000] PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:35 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: ******************************************************************************* PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:35 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: Display session information for all logged on users:
NTAccount : \rpliv1_38
SID : S-1-5-21-1177238915-2139871995-682003330-8806
UserName : rpliv1_38
DomainName :
SessionId : 1
SessionName : Console
ConnectState : Active
IsCurrentSession : True
IsConsoleSession : True
IsActiveUserSession : True
IsUserSession : True
IsRdpSession : False
IsLocalAdmin : False
LogonTime : 24/06/2021 14:40:29
IdleTime : 00:00:00
DisconnectTime :
ClientName :
ClientProtocolType :
ClientDirectory :
ClientBuildNumber : 0
PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:35 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: The following users are logged on to the system: [\rpliv1_38]. PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:35 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: Current process is running with user account [AUTORITE NT\Système] under logged in user session for [\rpliv1_38]. PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:35 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: The following user is the console user [\rpliv1_38] (user with control of physical monitor, keyboard, and mouse). PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:36 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: The active logged on user is [\rpliv1_38]. PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:36 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: The active logged on user [\rpliv1_38] has a primary UI language of [FR]. PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:36 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: The following UI messages were imported from the config XML file: [UI_Messages_FR]. PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:36 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: The active logged on user [\rpliv1_38] has a DPI scale factor of [125] with DPI pixels [120]. PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:36 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: Unable to load COM Object [Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment]. Therefore, script is not currently running from a SCCM Task Sequence. PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:36 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: Service [EventSystem] exists. Test-ServiceExists 28/07/2021 14:28:36 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: Get the service [EventSystem] startup mode. Get-ServiceStartMode 28/07/2021 14:28:36 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: Service [EventSystem] startup mode is set to [Automatic]. Get-ServiceStartMode 28/07/2021 14:28:36 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: Get the service object for service [EventSystem]. Start-ServiceAndDependencies 28/07/2021 14:28:36 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: Service [EventSystem] with display name [Système d’événement COM+] has a status of [Running]. Start-ServiceAndDependencies 28/07/2021 14:28:36 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: Service [RpcSs] exists. Test-ServiceExists 28/07/2021 14:28:36 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: Get the service [RpcSs] startup mode. Get-ServiceStartMode 28/07/2021 14:28:36 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: Service [EventLog] exists. Test-ServiceExists 28/07/2021 14:28:36 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: Get the service [EventLog] startup mode. Get-ServiceStartMode 28/07/2021 14:28:36 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: Service [EventLog] startup mode is set to [Automatic]. Get-ServiceStartMode 28/07/2021 14:28:37 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: Get the service object for service [EventLog]. Start-ServiceAndDependencies 28/07/2021 14:28:37 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: Service [EventLog] with display name [Journal d’événements Windows] has a status of [Running]. Start-ServiceAndDependencies 28/07/2021 14:28:37 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: Service [Schedule] exists. Test-ServiceExists 28/07/2021 14:28:37 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: Get the service [Schedule] startup mode. Get-ServiceStartMode 28/07/2021 14:28:37 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: Service [Schedule] startup mode is set to [Automatic]. Get-ServiceStartMode 28/07/2021 14:28:37 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: Get the service object for service [Schedule]. Start-ServiceAndDependencies 28/07/2021 14:28:37 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: Service [Schedule] with display name [Planificateur de tâches] has a status of [Running]. Start-ServiceAndDependencies 28/07/2021 14:28:37 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: The task scheduler service is in a healthy state: True. PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:37 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: Session 0 detected, process running in user interactive mode, user(s) logged in. PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:37 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: Installation is running in [Interactive] mode. PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:37 9848 (0x2678)
[Initialization] :: Deployment type is [Installation]. PSAppDeployToolkit 28/07/2021 14:28:37 9848 (0x2678)
[Pre-Installation] :: Evaluate disk space requirements. Show-InstallationWelcome 28/07/2021 14:28:37 9848 (0x2678)
[Pre-Installation] :: Retrieve free disk space for drive [C:]. Get-FreeDiskSpace 28/07/2021 14:28:37 9848 (0x2678)
[Pre-Installation] :: Free disk space for drive [C:]: [431296 MB]. Get-FreeDiskSpace 28/07/2021 14:28:37 9848 (0x2678)
[Pre-Installation] :: Successfully passed minimum disk space requirement check. Show-InstallationWelcome 28/07/2021 14:28:37 9848 (0x2678)
[Pre-Installation] :: Get deferral history... Get-DeferHistory 28/07/2021 14:28:37 9848 (0x2678)
[Pre-Installation] :: Registry key [Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PSAppDeployToolkit\DeferHistory\Firefox78] does not exist. Return $null. Get-RegistryKey 28/07/2021 14:28:37 9848 (0x2678)
[Pre-Installation] :: Convert the date [07/31/2021 14:28:37] to a universal sortable date time pattern based on the current culture [fr-FR]. Get-UniversalDate 28/07/2021 14:28:37 9848 (0x2678)
[Pre-Installation] :: User has until [2021-07-31 14:28:37Z] before deferral expires. Show-InstallationWelcome 28/07/2021 14:28:37 9848 (0x2678)
[Pre-Installation] :: Convert the date [07/28/2021 14:28:37] to a universal sortable date time pattern based on the current culture [fr-FR]. Get-UniversalDate 28/07/2021 14:28:37 9848 (0x2678)
[Pre-Installation] :: Check for running applications: [firefox] Get-RunningProcesses 28/07/2021 14:28:37 9848 (0x2678)
[Pre-Installation] :: The following processes are running: [firefox]. Get-RunningProcesses 28/07/2021 14:28:37 9848 (0x2678)
[Pre-Installation] :: Prompt user to close application(s) [Firefox]... Show-WelcomePrompt 28/07/2021 14:28:37 9848 (0x2678)
[Pre-Installation] :: User has the option to defer. Show-WelcomePrompt 28/07/2021 14:28:37 9848 (0x2678)
[Pre-Installation] :: The running processes have changed. Updating the apps to close: [Firefox]... Show-WelcomePrompt 28/07/2021 14:28:39 9848 (0x2678)
[Pre-Installation] :: Previously detected running processes are no longer running. Show-WelcomePrompt 28/07/2021 14:29:01 9848 (0x2678)
[Pre-Installation] :: Previously detected running processes are no longer running. Show-WelcomePrompt 28/07/2021 14:29:01 16984 (0x4258)
[Pre-Installation] :: Check for running applications: [firefox] Get-RunningProcesses 28/07/2021 14:29:01 16984 (0x4258)
[Pre-Installation] :: Specified applications are not running. Get-RunningProcesses 28/07/2021 14:29:01 9848 (0x2678)
[Pre-Installation] :: Specified applications are not running. Get-RunningProcesses 28/07/2021 14:29:01 16984 (0x4258)
[Pre-Installation] :: User has the option to defer. Show-WelcomePrompt 28/07/2021 14:29:02 9848 (0x2678)
[Pre-Installation] :: User has the option to defer. Show-WelcomePrompt 28/07/2021 14:29:02 16984 (0x4258)
[Pre-Installation] :: User selected to continue... Show-InstallationWelcome 28/07/2021 14:29:05 9848 (0x2678)
[Pre-Installation] :: User selected to continue... Show-InstallationWelcome 28/07/2021 14:29:07 16984 (0x4258)
[Pre-Installation] :: Spin up progress dialog in a separate thread with message: [Installation en cours ...]. Show-InstallationProgress 28/07/2021 14:29:08 9848 (0x2678)
[Pre-Installation] :: Spin up progress dialog in a separate thread with message: [Installation en cours ...]. Show-InstallationProgress 28/07/2021 14:29:09 16984 (0x4258)
[Installation] :: [Firefox-78.0.1-esr-x64.exe] successfully resolved to fully qualified path [C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\e\Files\Firefox-78.0.1-esr-x64.exe]. Execute-Process 28/07/2021 14:29:09 9848 (0x2678)
[Installation] :: Working Directory is [C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\e\Files]. Execute-Process 28/07/2021 14:29:09 9848 (0x2678)
[Installation] :: Executing [C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\e\Files\Firefox-78.0.1-esr-x64.exe /InstallDirectoryName=Mozilla Firefox 78 ESR /TaskbarShortcut=false /DesktopShortcut=false /StartMenuShortcut=false /MaintenanceService=false /PreventRebootRequired=true /RegisterDefaultAgent=false]... Execute-Process 28/07/2021 14:29:09 9848 (0x2678)
[Installation] :: [Firefox-78.0.1-esr-x64.exe] successfully resolved to fully qualified path [C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\e\Files\Firefox-78.0.1-esr-x64.exe]. Execute-Process 28/07/2021 14:29:10 16984 (0x4258)
[Installation] :: Working Directory is [C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\e\Files]. Execute-Process 28/07/2021 14:29:10 16984 (0x4258)
[Installation] :: Executing [C:\WINDOWS\ccmcache\e\Files\Firefox-78.0.1-esr-x64.exe /InstallDirectoryName=Mozilla Firefox 78 ESR /TaskbarShortcut=false /DesktopShortcut=false /StartMenuShortcut=false /MaintenanceService=false /PreventRebootRequired=true /RegisterDefaultAgent=false]... Execute-Process 28/07/2021 14:29:10 16984 (0x4258)
[Installation] :: Execution completed successfully with exit code [0]. Execute-Process 28/07/2021 14:29:22 16984 (0x4258)
[Installation] :: Execution completed successfully with exit code [0]. Execute-Process 28/07/2021 14:29:22 9848 (0x2678)