Multiple Deployment Types Intune using PSADT

Thank you for the reply.

Yes, I have been using ServiceUI.exe for pretty much all the deployments thus far (ServiceUI.exe Deploy-Application.exe Install Interactive) but the issue we have now encountered which I think was overlooked is builds for AP devices. they get stuck as the install welcome comes up.

Annoyingly, it isn’t feasible for us to amend 300 apps currently in intune with a new script to run interactive or noninteractive and I think i have answered my question in saying, those apps will need to remain noninteractve until updated with a new target script to run, either interactive or noninteractive.

I am going to start using this solution: How do I use PSAppDeployTookit with Intune? - The Toolkit / General Discussion - PSAppDeployToolkit Community but I was hoping if there was a magic solution to amend the current applications.