Msiexec.exe not recognized, even though present in system32

Bonne jour,

<![LOG[[Installation] :: Function failed, setting exit code to [60002].
Error Record:

Message : Le terme « msiexec.exe » n’est pas reconnu comme nom d’applet
de commande, fonction, fichier de script ou programme exécutab
le. Vérifiez l’orthographe du nom, ou si un chemin d’accès exi
ste, vérifiez que le chemin d’accès est correct et réessayez.
InnerException :

FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.

PositionMessage :
Au niveau de C:\windows\ccmcache\o\AppDeployToolkit\AppDeploy
ToolkitMain.ps1 : 2803 Caractère : 46
+ [string]$FullyQualifiedPath = Get-Command <
<<< -Name $Path -CommandType ‘Application’ -TotalCount 1 -Sy
ntax -ErrorAction 'Stop’strong text

Anything I can do to not receive this message while using msiexec, on multiple French machines?
Thanks in advance!

Hi, I have seen this behavior before on a couple of machines in our organization. The root cause was that on the failing machines the path variables seems to be messed up by some installation. You will need to fix the path issue (prior to your msiexec) on that machines first to get the installation done. Another little trick is to change the AppDeployToolkitMain.ps1 at the lines 423 like underneath. Not a super solution but it works.

Variables: Executables

[string]$exeWusa = ‘$envWinDir\System32\wusa.exe’ # Installs Standalone Windows Updates
[string]$exeMsiexec = ‘$envWinDir\System32\msiexec.exe’ # Installs MSI Installers
[string]$exeSchTasks = “$envWinDir\System32\schtasks.exe” # Manages Scheduled Tasks

Hope this helps solving your issue.

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@ PSADT staff: Could you please test and integrate this fix into future builds of the toolkit?

Yes, I dont see an issue. I’ll post a PR shortly.

This will be fixed in the next release(3.8.3)