MSI - How to install, uninstall, and log silently

Small updates:

What if the Setup.exe is in the same folder as the MSI? Do I NEED to use it?
90% of the time, NO. Just ignore it. If it totally blows up then maybe it’s an old InstallShield Setup.EXE

Sometimes the MSI needs a Property set to tell the MSI was launched by the setup.exe.
Something like ADINSTALL=1 or ADDEPLOY=1.
To obtain this property name:

  • -use the registry tweak to for MSI to create log files in %TEMP%
  • -Launch the setup.exe manually
  • -Look in %temp% for the newest MSE#####.log file

Can one PSADT script install multiple MSIs?
Yes! in the order you want, too.
You can also uninstall MSIs, run EXEs (setup.exe or others), do PowerShell stuff in between.
Depending what you do, you might need to add a small delay here and there.

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