Install MSI 1603


Im testing with PSAppDeploy as i have an issue with our FortiClient update.

On some clients we get a return of 1603. This means that some clients does not get the new version of the VPN Client.

I thought that i could use the PSAppDeploy to do a restart of the computer before deployment. But that does not seem to work well.

Any ideas on how to either ignore the reboot and install anyway?

Take a look into the MSI Log. There is almost the anser. Returncode 3…

Hi MiTo,

Yes i can see a return value 3 in the MSI install log:
Action ended 08:08:31: InstallFinalize. Return value 3.
Action ended 08:08:31: INSTALL. Return value 3.

Hey, the reference to the error is in the lines above.

I have not used PSADT itself to manage restarts of the computer but since FortiClient installs a kernel module and windows have to restart to complete removal of that module. Once “clean” it can install the new module.

If the FortiClient MSI demands a reboot before installing, PSADT cannot change that.

You may be able to test for a certain condition before install or after a “Failed” install and cause a reboot with PSADT.