Help - Escaping spaces in filepaths

Hi everyone,

I have been using PSADT for many years now. It’s been such a great tool1 aI now need to package an application called Cubase but I am having issues where the Steinberg application manager errors out which I think is to do with escaping characters.

This is the install string I have

Execute-Process -Path “$dirSupportFiles\VST Sound Content Update\Library Manager\Steinberg Library Manager.exe” -Parameters “$dirSupportFiles\VST Sound Content Update” -unattended -autoclose -supportold -copyto “C:\ProgramData\Steinberg\Content\VST Sound”

How do I properly escape the file paths? I have been trying “” ` without luck but could be using them in the wrong places.

Thanks for any help. :smiley:

single back quote double quote parameter single back quote double quote

need to understand the difference when using single quotes, double quotes and back quotes

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In powershell you escape quotes with ` (backtip). So your line should be:

Execute-Process -Path "$dirSupportFiles\VST Sound Content Update\Library Manager\Steinberg Library Manager.exe" -Parameters "`"$dirSupportFiles\VST Sound Content Update`" -unattended -autoclose -supportold -copyto `"C:\ProgramData\Steinberg\Content\VST Sound`""
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Thank you both. I resolved the issue by looking at the Office example.

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