I am running the script as wrapper for gpo logonscripts
So far so good. I really like the baloontip notifications etc.
But I maybe looking wrong please shed some light
I am looking for a clever way to check if product is already installed (as the script starts again and again at logon)
Do I have to query the productid via registry or file/folder existence or is that already in there with the variables for software version?
I don’t use sccm and I guess normally it’s handled there
Application i Installed. Do nothing (or send status somewhere etc.)
Add your way of deploying the application. I.e.:
That’s an example of how you could deploy Adobe Reader version 11.0.15. Wrap it up in a startupscript.ps1 and try it out :)…
Also, make sure you replace all the bad characters this site is modifying (such as "). Basically set your script up in Powershell ISE and correct spelling.